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The following information applies to batch installation on Windows systems. For installation with a GUI and user dialog see JS7 - Controller - Installation with Use of Windows Graphical Installer.

The Controller is operable as a Windows Service. The start script of the Controller allows installing/removing the Windows Service.


For example, goto the "Startup" tab
to modify the start parameter


  • The Controller log level can be increased using the Controller's Apache ProcRun Demon Service Manager demon/service.
  • On Windows systems, this is installed in the Controller service Folder and will have a name such as js7_controller_<Controller ID>w.exe  where Controller ID is the unique ID for the Controller 
  • Start the ProcRun Manager, select the Logging tab in the Manager interface and set the level to Debug
  • The location of the log files has already been described above. 
  • (Do not forget to set the debug level back to Info once finished.)

Consider that this chapter is the same as for JS7 - Controller - Use of Windows Graphical Installer

Usage Examples

Running the Controller on Windows
