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Table of Contents

Installing the JS7 Controller



  • Choose the Controller archive for the target system from the JobScheduler Download page.
    • For Unix systems an installer a .tar.gz tarball archive is available.
    • For Windows systems an installer a .zip archive is available.


    • Unzip the downloaded archive to an arbitrary directory.
    • Directory structure (only files and folders directly relevant):
      • bin
        • controller.cmd|sh
          • The start script for Windows platforms.
        • controller_watchdog.cmd|sh
          • Notes the task that is being forwarded for execution by a JS7 Controller to Agent
        • environment_variables.cmd|sh
          • includes environment variables used by JS7 Controller
      • lib
        • The directory for Java libraries.
        • Configure the settings in log4j2.xml file if you want to adjust the logger settings.
      • service (for Windows)
        • amd64 (directory)
        • manager (directory)
        • x86 (directory)
        • install_controller_windows_service.cmd
        • js7_controller_<Controller ID>.exe
        • js7_controller_<Controller ID>w.exe
        • LICENSE.txt
        • NOTICE.txt
        • RELEASE-NOTES.txt
        • set_java_home_for_jetty_windows_service.cmd
        • start_jetty_windows_service.cmd
        • uninstall_controller_windows_service.cmd
      • user_bin
        • environment_variables.cmd-example - example script to set the Controller environment variables (Microsoft Windows)
      • Uninstaller (the empty directory remains after uninstall)
        • install.log
        • js7.ico
        • shortcut.vbs
        • uninstall.cmd
        • uninstall_prepare.cmd
        • uninstaller.jar
      • var
        • logs
        • config
        • state



pdating the JS7 Controller



  • Stop the JS7 Controller instance


We have to explain what to do before running an update:

  • Stop Controller
    • How to verify that no workflows are running?
  • Prepare Rollback
    • create a .tar.gz/.zip archive from a) the installation directory and b) the configuration directory
    • This is sufficient for Linux
    • This is not sufficient for Windows
      • Users will later on have to re-install the service 

  • Take a Backup


Installer Options 

  • When the Controller was installed previously it adds a controller_install.xml file that includes parameters such as the installation path, ports, When the Controller was installed previously it add a controller_install.xml file which includes the parameters such as the installation path, ports, etc.
  • The controller_install.xml the file is shown in the code listing below. The extensive comments are intended to be self-explanatory.  

    • Where is this file located? For Linux? For Windows?
  • Code Block
    titleConfiguration of the controller_install.xml file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    XML configuration file for JS7 Controller setup
    The JS7 Controller is available with a dual licensing model.
    - GNU GPL 2.0 License (see
    - JS7 Commercial License (see licence.txt)
    The setup asks you for the desired license model 
    (see <entry key="licenceOptions" .../> below).
    If you call the setup with this XML file then you accept 
    at the same time the terms of the chosen license agreement. 
    <AutomatedInstallation langpack="eng">
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="home">
        <!--com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="licences">
                <!-- Select the license model (GPL or Commercial) -->
                <!--entry key="licenceOptions" value="GPL"/-->
                <!-- If you selected GPL as license model than the licence must be empty.
                     Otherwise please enter a license key if available.
                     It is also possible to modify the license key later. -->
                <!--entry key="licence" value=""/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.HTMLLicencePanel id="gpl_licence"/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.HTMLLicencePanel id="commercial_licence"/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.TargetPanel id="target">
                 The installation expands this path with the JS7 ID as subdirectory.
                 It must be absolute!
                 For example C:\Program Files\\js7\controller -->
            <installpath>C:\Program Files\\js7\controller</installpath>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserPathPanel id="userpath">
                 The installation expands this path with the JS7 ID as subdirectory.
                 The path must be absolute!
                 Default path is C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller -->
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="network">
                <!-- ID of the JS7 Controller -->
                <entry key="controllerId" value="controller"/>
                <!-- Choose yes if the JS7 Controller is a Standby-Controller in a cluster -->
                <entry key="isStandby" value="no"/>
                <!-- Choose (yes or no) wether the JS7 Controller should be started at the end of the installation -->
                <entry key="launchController" value="yes"/>
                <!-- HTTP port of the JS7 Controller -->
                <entry key="controllerPort" value="4444"/>
                <!-- Set optionally an ip address or hostname. It could be used for indicating which network 
                     interfaces the JS7 Controller should listen to when using HTTP. If it is empty then 
                     it listens to all available network interfaces. -->
                <entry key="controllerHost" value=""/>
                <!-- The JS7 Controller will be installed as Windows service. You can set the service
                     account otherwise the local system account will be used. The account has to be the form 
                     'Domain\User'. -->
                <entry key="serviceAccount" value=""/>
                <entry key="servicePassword" value=""/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="environment">
                <!-- Directory where the JS7 Controller's log files are stored (default: 
                     '[above user path]\logs'). -->
                <entry key="logPath" value=""/>
                <!-- Directory where the JS7 Controller's pid file is stored (default: 
                     above log path). -->
                <entry key="pidFilePath" value=""/>
                <!-- Working directory for all jobs which started by the JS7 Controller
                     e.g. %USERPROFILE% (default: [installation path]) -->
                <entry key="workPath" value=""/>
                <!-- The JS7 Controller requires a Java JRE at least version '1.8'. You can choose 
                     a different Java environment than the Java which is used during this installation. -->
                <entry key="javaHome" value=""/>
                <!-- Set optionally Java options (default: -Xmx500m). -->
                <entry key="javaOptions" value=""/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="end">
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.InstallPanel id="install"/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.ProcessPanel id="process"/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.FinishPanel id="finish"/>

Running the Installer

  • Batch installation is started by opening a terminal or command window in the folder containing the setup.* file and typing:

    Code Block
    titleStarting batch installation of the JOC Cockpit on Linux systems with root permissions
    /tmp/controller.[release]> ./ controller_install.xml
    Code Block
    titleStarting batch installation of the Controller on Linux systems without root permissions
    /tmp/controller.[release]> ./ -u controller_install.xml
  • Code Block
    titleStarting batch installation of the Controller on Windows systems
    C:\temp\controller.[release]> setup.cmd controller_install.xml

    Batch installation is started by opening a terminal or command window in the folder containing the setup.* file and typing



Explain what steps have to be taken for a rollback:

  • Linux: drop the newly created folder, restore from backup
  • Windows:
    • run uninstaller from the command line
    • restore folders from backup
    • re-install the Windows Service from the command line


Running the start script without parameters shows the usage clause:
