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  • Any operations that can be performed on orders, workflows, jobs and related objects such as cancelling, suspending and resuming orders are performed by the JS7 REST Web Service.
  • In addition, a PowerShell module is available for simplified access to the REST Web Service, see JS7 - PowerShell Module.


  • Example: Get the list of orders scheduled until a given date
    • Find attached example for use with curl. We do not consider curl to be perfectly prepared to handle web service requests, however, it shows the building blocks:
      • Code Block
        titleSample for use with curl to get list of orders scheduled until a given date
        # ----------------------------------------
        # Protocol, host and port of JOC Cockpit
        # Identification of JS7 instance
        # Date up to that scheduled orders are returned
        # Base64 encoded string "user:password" for authentication. The below string represents "root:root"
        JS7_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION="`echo "root:root" | base64`"
        # -----------------------------------------
        # -----------------------------------------
        # Perform login
        echo ""
        echo "PERFORMING LOGIN"
        JS7_JSON="`curl -k -s -S -X POST -i -m 15 -H "Authorization: Basic $JS7_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JS7_URL/joc/api/authentication/login`"
        JS7_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo $JS7_JSON | grep -Po '"accessToken":.*?[^\\]"' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d \" )
        # -----------------------------------------
        # -----------------------------------------
        # Get the list of orders for a date range
        echo ""
        echo "Get the list of orders for date range: $JS7_DATETO"
        # Execute web service request
        JS7_REST_BODY="{ \"controllerId\": \"$JS7_CONTROLLER_ID\", \"compact\": true, \"dateTo\": \"$JS7_DATETO\" }"
        JS7_JSON="`curl -k -s -S -X POST -d "$JS7_REST_BODY" -i -m 15 -H "X-Access-Token: $JS7_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" $JS7_URL/joc/api/orders`"
        echo $JS7_JSON
        # -----------------------------------------
        # -----------------------------------------
        # Perform logout
        echo ""
        echo "PERFORMING LOGOUT"
        curl -k -s -S -X POST -i -m 15 -H "X-Access-Token: $JS7_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JS7_URL/joc/api/authentication/logout
        # -----------------------------------------
        echo ""
      • Explanations

        • Line 4: Depending on your JOC Cockpit installation the protocol will be http or https. The default port is 4446 but might have been modified during setup.
        • Line 7: The Controller ID is specified during installation of the Controller and identifies a Controller standalone instance or a Controller cluster.
        • Line 10: Specify the relative date up to that you want the list of scheduled orders to be returned.
        • Line 13, 14: Default credentials after installation include the account "root" and password "root". The credentials might have been changed after setup of JOC Cockpit.
        • Lin Line 22: Consider to use Basic HTTP authentication
        • Line 23: The request to the /authentication/login web service returns an access token that is used with further requests.
        • Line 32, 33: Consider the JSON body created for the request and the URL including the path /joc/api/orders used to return order information.
        • Line 42: Always perform a logout and consider the session idle timeout.
  • Example: Suspend an order
    • Find attached example for use with curl. We do not consider curl to be perfectly prepared to handle web service requests, however, it shows the building blocks:
      • Code Block
        titleSample for use with curl to suspend an order
        # ----------------------------------------
        # Protocol, host and port of JOC Cockpit
        # Identification of JS7 instance
        # ID of order that should be suspended
        # Base64 encoded string "user:password" for authentication. The below string represents "root:root"
        JS7_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION="`echo "root:root" | base64`"
        # -----------------------------------------
        # -----------------------------------------
        # Perform login
        echo ""
        echo "PERFORMING LOGIN"
        JS7_JSON="`curl -k -s -S -X POST -i -m 15 -H "Authorization: Basic $JS7_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JS7_URL/joc/api/authentication/login`"
        JS7_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo $JS7_JSON | grep -Po '"accessToken":.*?[^\\]"' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d \" )
        # -----------------------------------------
        # -----------------------------------------
        # Suspend a specific order identified by its ID
        echo ""
        JS7_REST_BODY="{ \"controllerId\": \"$JS7_CONTROLLER_ID\", \"orderIds\": [ \"$JS7_ORDER_ID\" ] }"
        echo "Request Body: $JS7_REST_BODY"
        # Execute web service request
        curl -k -s -S -X POST -d "$JS7_REST_BODY" -i -m 15 -H "X-Access-Token: $JS7_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JS7_URL/joc/api/orders/suspend
        echo ""
        echo ""
        echo "... sleep 3 seconds to check results"
        sleep 3
        # -----------------------------------------
        # -----------------------------------------
        # Get order state information
        echo ""
        # Execute web service request
        JS7_REST_BODY="{ \"controllerId\": \"$JS7_CONTROLLER_ID\", \"compact\": true, \"orderIds\": [ \"$JS7_ORDER_ID\" ] }"
        JS7_JSON="`curl -k -s -S -X POST -d "$JS7_REST_BODY" -i -m 15 -H "X-Access-Token: $JS7_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" $JS7_URL/joc/api/orders`"
        echo "Request Body: $JS7_REST_BODY"
        echo $JS7_JSON
        # -----------------------------------------
        # -----------------------------------------
        # Perform logout
        echo ""
        echo "PERFORMING LOGOUT"
        curl -k -s -S -X POST -i -m 15 -H "X-Access-Token: $JS7_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JS7_URL/joc/api/authentication/logout
        # -----------------------------------------
        echo ""
    • Explanations
      • Line 31: Suspending an order includes to specify the Controller ID and an array of order IDs..
      • Line 38: The operation to suspend an order works asynchronously as the request is forwarded to the Controller and from the Controller to the Agent that holds the order. More elaborate solutions to wait for completion of an suspend operation than just to wait a few seconds include to repeatedly check the order state.
      • Line 47: The request to retrieve the order state information is sent to the /joc/api/orders URL.
      • Line 58: Always perform a logout and consider the session idle timeout.
