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Resume-JS7Order [-OrderId] <String> [[-Position] <String><Object[]>] [[-Arguments] <Hashtable>] [[-AuditComment] <String>] [[-AuditTimeSpent] <Int32>] [[-AuditTicketLink] <Uri>] [<CommonParameters>]


Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Position <String><Object[]>
Specifies the position in the workflow for which the order should be resumed,
i.e. the order will continue to execute with the instruction indicated by the position.

The position is specified as an array, e.g. @(2, "then", 0) which translates to the
3rd instruction of the workflow, that is an If-Instruction, and the first instruction in the "then" branch.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


PS > Resume-JS7Order -OrderId "#2020-11-22#T072521128-Reporting"

Resumes the order with the given ID from its current position.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

PS > Resume-JS7Order -OrderId "#2020-11-22#T072521128-Reporting" -Position @(2)

Resumes the order with the given ID from the 3rd instruction in the workflow.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

PS > Get-JS7Order -Suspended | Resume-JS7Order


-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 4 --------------------------

PS > Get-JS7Order -Suspended -Folder / | Resume-JS7Order


-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 5 --------------------------


-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 6 --------------------------
