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Add-JS7Order [-WorkflowPath] <String> [[-OrderName] <String>] [[-ArgumentsVariables] <Hashtable>] [[-At] <String>] [[-AtDate] <DateTime>] [[-Timezone] <String>] [[-BatchSize] <Int32>] [[-RunningNumber] <Int32>] [[-AuditComment] <String>] [[-AuditTimeSpent] <Int32>] [[-AuditTicketLink] <Uri>] [<CommonParameters>]


Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false



-Arguments Variables <Hashtable>
Specifies the arguments variables for the order. Arguments Variables are created from a hashmap,
i.e. a list of names and values. Values have to be specified according to the
variables declaration of the workflow and include use of the data types:

* string: $orderArgs $orderVariables = @{ 'arg1' = 'value1' }
* number: $orderArgs $orderVariables = @{ 'arg2' = 3.14 }
* boolean: $orderArgs $orderVariables = @{ 'arg3' = $true }

$orderArgs $orderVariables = @{ 'arg1var1' = 'value1'; 'arg2var2' = 3.14; 'arg3var3' = $true }

Consider that a workflow can declare required variables that have to be added to an order.


PS > $orderId = Add-JS7Order -WorkflowPath /sos/reporting/Reporting -At "now+3600" -Arguments Variables @{'param1var1' = 'value1'; 'param2var2' = 3.14; 'param3var3' = $true}

Adds an order to the indicated workflow. The order will start one hour later and will use the arguments variables as specified by the -Arguments Variables parameter.