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Table of Contents

Download Image

Download the version of  the Controller image that corresponds to the JS7 release in use:

Code Block
titleDownload Controller Image
docker image pull sosberlin/jobscheduler:controller-2-0-0

Run Container

After pulling the Controller image you can run the container with a number of options like this:

Code Block
titleRun Controller Container

docker run -dit --rm \
      --user="$(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER)" \
      --hostname=js7-controller-2-0-primary \
      --network=js7 \
      --publish=14445:4445 \
      --env="RUN_JS_HTTP_PORT=14445" \
      --env="RUN_JS_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx500m" \
      --mount="type=volume,src=js7-controller-2-0-primary-config,dst=/var/" \
      --mount="type=volume,src=js7-controller-2-0-primary-logs,dst=/var/" \
      --mount="type=volume,src=js7-controller-2-0-primary-state,dst=/var/" \
      --name js7-controller-2-0-0-primary \


  • --user Inside the container the Controller is operated for the user account jobscheduler. In order to access e.g. log files created by the Controller that are mounted to the Docker host it is recommended that you map the account that is starting the container to the jobscheduler account inside the container. The --user option accepts the user ID and group ID of the account that will be mapped. The above example makes use of the current user.
  • --network The above example makes use of a Docker network - created e.g. with docker network create js7 - to allow network sharing between containers. Consider that any inside ports used by Docker containers are visible within a Docker network. Therefore a Container running for the inside port 4445 is accessible from the container's hostname and the same port.
  • --publish An outside port of the Docker host is mapped to the Controller's inside HTTP port. This is not required for use with a Docker network, see --network, however, it will allow to directly access the Controller by its outside port from the Docker host.
  • --env=RUN_JS_HTTP_PORT Consider to specify the same outside port that is used when mapping an outside port to the inside HTTP port with the --publish option.
  • --env=JAVA_OPTIONS This allows to inject any Java options to the Controller's container. Preferably this is used to specify memory requirements of a Controller, e.g. with -Xmx500m.
  • --mount The following volume mounts are suggested:
    • config: The optional configuration folder allows to specify individual settings for Controller operation, see JS7 - Controller Configuration. Without this folder the default settings are used.
    • logs: In order to have Controller log files persisted they should be written to a volume that is mounted for the Controller. Feel free to adjust the volume name from the src attribute, however, the value of the dst attribute should no be changed as it reflects the directory hierarchy inside the container.
    • state: The Controller requires a directory for journal information that should be persisted. The journal is required to restore the state of orders when restarting the Controller.