Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • To modify the time zone that is applied to log entries and to the point in time of log rotation modify <Property name="TimeZone">{Etc/UTC}<>Etc/UTC</Property>. The time zone is specified during installation.
  • To change the log retention period modify <Property name="RetainDays">30d</Property> to some other value. Consider to use the suffix d(ays), w(eeks), m(onths).
  • To limit space consumption of all log files modify <Property name="MaxSizeOfRolledOverFiles">5 GB</Property> to some other value. Consider to use the units MB, GB.
  • To limit the max. size of individual log files modify <Property name="MaxSizePerFile">100 MB</Property> to some other value. Consider to use the units MB, GB.
  • To enable debug mode modify <property name="RootLogLevel">INFO</property> to DEBUG. In addition modify the value of one or more of the following properties accordingly to enable debug output with the respective debug log file: 

    Log FileProperty
    joc-debug.log<Property name="JocLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    service-cluster-debug.log<Property name="ClusterLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    service-history-debug.log<Property name="HistoryLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    service-dailyplan-debug.log<Property name="DailyPlanLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    service-cleanup-debug.log<Property name="CleanupLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    authentication-debug.log:<Property name="AuthLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    connection-pool-debug.log<Property name="ConnectionPoolLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
