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Returns the order execution history for workflows.


Get-JS7OrderHistory [[-OrderId] <String>] [[-WorkflowId] <PSObject>] [[-WorkflowPath] <String>] [[-Folder] <String>] [-Recursive] [[-ExcludeOrder] <String[]><Hashtable>] [[-RegularExpression] <String>] [[-DateFrom] <DateTime>] [[-DateTo] <DateTime>] [[-RelativeDateFrom] <String>] [[-RelativeDateTo] <String>] [[-Timezone] <TimeZoneInfo>] [[-Limit] <Int32>] [-Successful] [-Failed] [-InProgress] [<CommonParameters>]


History information is returned for orders from a JobScheduler JS7 Controller.
Order executions can be selected by workflow, order ID, folder, history status etc.

The history information retured includes start time, end time, return code etc.


-OrderId <String>
Optionally specifies the unique identifier of an order that for which the order history should be returned.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-WorkflowPath <String>
Optionally specifies the path and name of a workflow for which order history information is returned.
If the name of a workflow is specified then the -Folder parameter is used to determine the folder.
Otherwise the -WorkflowPath parameter is assumed to include the full path and name of the workflow. One of the parameters -OrderId -Folder or -WorkflowPath has to be specified.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Folder <String>
Optionally specifies the folder that includes workflows for which jobs the order history should be returned. The folder is determinedfrom the root folder.

Default value/
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Recursive <SwitchParameter>
Specifies that any sub-folders should be looked up when used with the -Folder parameter.
By default no sub-folders will be looked up for jobsworkflow paths.

Default valueFalse
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-ExcludeOrder <String[]><Hashtable>
This parameter accepts a single workflow path or an array of hashmap of order IDs and optionally workflow paths that are excluded from the results.
Optionally the workflow path can be appended an order ID separated by a semicolonIf a workflow path is specified then all orders of the given workflow are excluded.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


PS > $items = Get-JS7OrderHistory -RegularExpression "sos$'^/sos'

Returns today's order execution history for any orders from the /sos folder.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

PS > $items = Get-JS7OrderHistory -RegularExpression 'report'

Returns today's order execution history for orders that contain the string 'report' in the order's pathwith an order ID that ends with the string "sos".

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 3 --------------------------


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-------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 5 --------------------------

PS > $items = Get-JS7OrderHistory -WorkflowPath /sos/dailyplan/CreateDailyPlansome_path/some_workflow

Returns today's order execution history for a given workflow.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 7 6 --------------------------

PS > $items = Get-JS7OrderHistory -ExcludeOrder /sos/dailyplan/CreateDailyPlan, /sos/notification/SystemNotifier:MonitorSystem@{ 'workflowPath'='/some_path/some_workflow'; 'orderId'='2020-11-23#P0000000547-orderSampleWorkflow1a' }

Returns today's order execution history for any orders excluding orders from the specified workflow paths . The workflow path '/sos/notification/SystemNotifier' is appended the order ID 'MonitorSystem' separated by a semicolon to indicate that the specified order ID only is excluded from the resultsand order IDs.

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Returns the order execution history for any jobs for the last week.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 14 13 --------------------------
