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Table of Contents


  • The Controller JOC Cockpit makes use of two a number of configuration files:
    • the general configuration from controllerjoc.confproperties
    • the security cluster configuration from privatecluster.confproperties
  • Restart the Controller instance to apply changes to any configuration file .


Code Block
titleGeneral configuration file example:
### If JOC Cockpit is used in a cluster then type a title to identify which node
### is currently used. Further type an ordering (Primary <= 0, Backup > 0) for
### the display order in JOC's dashboard

ordering = 0

daily_plan_timezone = UTC
daily_plan_period_begin = 00:00:00

### Path to log4j configuration file. Path can be absolute or relative
### to this file.

log4j.configuration = log4j2.xml

### Path to hibernate configuration file of JOC's database.
### Path can be absolute or relative to this file.

hibernate_configuration_file = hibernate.cfg.xml

### The time (in seconds) to establish the connection with the
### remote host. Default = 2

jobscheduler_connection_timeout = 2

### The time (in seconds) waiting for data after the connection
### was established; maximum time of inactivity between two data packets.
### Default = 5

jobscheduler_socket_timeout = 5

### Should hostname verification be carried out for https certificate.
### Default false

https_with_hostname_verification = true

### Location, type and password of the Java truststore which contains the
### certificates of eachnJobScheduler Controller for HTTPS connections. Path can be
### absolute or relative to this file.

keystore_path = ../../etc/https-keystore.p12
keystore_type = PKCS12
keystore_password = jobscheduler
key_password = jobscheduler

truststore_path = ../../etc/https-truststore.p12
truststore_type = PKCS12
truststore_password = jobscheduler

### Requests to all web services which modify JobScheduler objects such as
### "start order", "stop job" etc. can contain a comment to describe the reason.
### This flag controls if the comment is required or not. Default false

force_comments_for_audit_log = false

### JOC Cockpit comes with the possibility to configure a security level for the
### signing mechanism, options "high", "medium" and "low".
### high:
###      public PGP keys are stored for verification only
###      all signing will be done externally outside of JOC Cockpit
### medium:
###      a private PGP key will be stored for signing
###      signing will be done automatically with the provided key
### low:
###      no keys will be stored
###      signing will be done internally with default keys
### This flag controls the used security level. Default low

security_level = medium

### Settings for a custom logo file on the login page
### The logo file has to be located in ./jetty_base/webapps/root/ext/images
### Possible units for width are according to
### (default px)
### Possible values for the position are "top" or "bottom" (default=bottom).

custom_logo_name =
custom_logo_height =
custom_logo_position =

### A default profile should be available that includes any profile settings
### that are applied by default to new users.

default_profile_account =

### The login dialog provides a 'Remember Me' checkbox. If enable_remember_me
### is false then this checkbox is hidden and unchecked.

enable_remember_me = true

### Pre-defined comments used for example in the 'reasons' describing actions in
### the audit log.

comments =  System maintenance; \
            Repeat execution; \
            Business requirement; \
            Restart failed execution; \
            Re-instantiate stopped object; \
            Temporary stop; \
            Change of JobScheduler object; \
            Rerun with parameter changes; \
            Change of external dependency; \
            Application deployment and upgrade

### Normally, the user permissions control if a view such as dashboard,
### workflows, etc are shown or hidden. Here you can force to show (=true) or
### hide (=false) a view independent of the permissions. If the value is unequal
### true or false then the permissions win.

show_view_dashboard =
show_view_dailyplan =
show_view_workflows =
show_view_filetransfers =
show_view_resources =
show_view_history =
show_view_auditlog =
show_view_jobstreams =
show_view_configuration =

Logger Settings

SettingDefault ValueExplanation

Specifies the file name of the log4j2 configuration file to be used. This file is expected with the configuration folder ./resources/joc.

Database Connection Settings


HTTPS Connection Settings

SettingDefault ValueExplanation

Specifies if hostname verification should be performed for HTTPS connections.

keystore_path../../etc/https-keystore.p12The keystore includes the private key and certificate for incoming HTTPS connections.


PKCS12The keystore types PKCS12 and JKS are supported.
The keystore is protected by a password.
The private keys in the keystore are protected by a password. Consider that for PKCS12 keystores the same password applies to all keys.
truststore_path../../etc/https-truststore.p12The truststore includes the public key and/or certificates for incoming HTTPS connections.
truststore_typePKCS12The truststore types PKCS12 and JKS are supported.
The truststore is protected by a password.

Login Settings

SettingDefault ValueExplanation
The logo file indicated by this name has to be located in ./jetty_base/webapps/root/ext/images
Display sequence of JOC Cockpit widget in Dashboard view
custom_logo_positionbottomPossible values for the position are top and bottom. Possible units are specified according to: (default px).
enable_remember_metrueThe login dialog offers a 'Remember Me' checkbox. If this setting is false then this checkbox is hidden and unchecked.


SettingDefault ValueExplanation
daily_plan_timezoneUTCSpecifies the time zone that is used to calculate the period of the Daily Plan
Specifies the offset that is applied to the time zone indicated with the daily_plan_timezone attribute.


SettingDefault ValueExplanation
default_profile_accountrootThe default account holds profile settings that are applied by default to new accounts. Such accounts can later on modify their profile settings individually.



Normally, the user permissions control if a view such as dashboard, workflows etc. is displayed or hidden. The settings allow to display (=true) or to hide (=false) a view independently of the permissions. If the assigned value is empty (=default) then the user permissions are applied.


  • Changes to the above settings at run-time are ignored. Instead, the above settings are applied by the installer for information purposes.

Cluster Configuration


Default Location: /var/

Code Block
titleCluster configuration file example:
# Temporary parameters configuration
# Cluster
# Polling
# seconds - exceeded interval on polling or Switch Member
heart_beat_exceeded_interval                = 60
# seconds
polling_interval                            = 30
# seconds - waiting to start the next polling after an error occurs - transaction concurrency etc
polling_wait_interval_on_error              = 2
# Switch Member
# number - number of retries - wait for the answer from the last active memberId after its deactivation/activation
switch_member_wait_counter_on_success       = 10
# seconds - max wait time = switch_member_wait_counter_on_success*switch_member_wait_interval_on_success+ execution time
switch_member_wait_interval_on_success      = 5
# number - number of retries on errors(transaction concurrency etc) - error on set the switchMember to activeMember
switch_member_wait_counter_on_error         = 10
# seconds - max wait time = switch_member_wait_counter_on_error*switchMemberWaitIntervalOnError+ execution time
switch_member_wait_interval_on_error        = 2

# disable cluster from switching to this instance
current_is_cluster_member = true