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Windows Version

Download: reportforward_task_historylogs_windows.job.xml

Code Block
titleForward Task Logs (Windows version)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<job title="Forward Task Logs" process_class="agent_windows">
    <param name="history_results_directory" value="/users/js/history"/>
  <script language="powershell"><![CDATA[
Import-Module $env:SCHEDULER_DATA/config/powershell/Modules/JobScheduler;
Connect-JS -Url $JOCCockpitUrl -Credential $JOCCockpitCredential | Out-Null;
# retrieve last history results if available
if ( Test-Path -Path "$($env:SCHEDULER_PARAM_HISTORY_RESULTS_DIRECTORY/$($env:SCHEDULER_JOB_NAME))/task.history" -ErrorAction continue )
	    $lastHistory = Import-Clixml -Path "$($env:SCHEDULER_PARAM_HISTORY_RESULTS_DIRECTORY/$($env:SCHEDULER_JOB_NAME))/task.history";
} else {
	    $lastHistory = Get-JobSchedulerTaskHistory -RelativeDateFrom -8h | Sort-Object -Property startTime;
# Copy log files to target directory
Get-JSTaskHistory -DateFrom $lastHistory[0].startTime | Tee-Object -Variable lastHistory | Get-JobSchedulerTaskLog | Select-Object @{name='path'; expression={ "$env:SCHEDULER_PARAM_HISTORY_RESULTS_DIRECTORY/$(Get-Date $_.startTime -f 'yyyyMMdd-hhmmss')-$([io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_.job)).log"}}, @{name='value'; expression={ $_.log }} | Set-Content;
# store last history results to a file for later retrieval
$lastHistory | Export-Clixml -Path "$env:SCHEDULER_PARAM_HISTORY_RESULTS_DIRECTORY/$($env:SCHEDULER_JOB_NAME)task.history"
Write-Output ".. logs forwarded to: "$env:SCHEDULER_PARAM_HISTORY_RESULTS_DIRECTORY";


  • Line 2-3: The job is executed with a Windows Agent that is assigned by a process class. The job is of type "powershell" and will use the Powershell version provided with the server.
  • Line 4-5: The required JobScheduler PowerShell modules are module is imported. They could be installed with any location in the file system
  • Line 7: The Connect-JS cmdlet is used to authenticate with the JOC Cockpit REST Web Service. The required URL and credentials are specified in a PowerShell profile, see PowerShell CLI 1.2 - Use Cases - Credentials Management
  • Line 10: The Get-JSTaskHistory cmdlet is called 
    • with the parameter -Timezone to specify to which timezone date values in the report should be converted. The parameter value -Timezone (Get-Timezone) specifies that the timezone of the Agent's server is used. Otherwise specify the desired timezone e.g. like this: -Timezone (Get-Timezone -Id 'GMT Standard Time'). Without using this parameter any date values are stored as UTC dates to the report.
    • optionally with additional parameters, e.g. to specify the date range for which the report is created  A value -DateFrom (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0).AddDays(-7).ToUniversalTime() specifies that the report should cover the last 7 days (from midnight). Keep in mind that dates have to be specified for the UTC timezone. Without this parameter the report will be created for the last day.
    • see the Get-JSTaskHistory cmdlet for a full parameter reference.
  • Line 11-19: From the output of the Get-JSTaskHistory cmdlet a number of properties are selected and and are specified for the sequence in which they should occur in the report. 
    • To add more speaking column headers the property names are mapped to a more readable textual representation.
    • Consider the handling of date formats in lines 15, 16. Use of the Get-Date cmdlet converts the output format of dates (not the timezone) to the default format that is in place on the Agent's server. Without using the Get-Date cmdlet any date values will be stored to the report in ISO format, e.g. 2020-12-31 10:11:12+02:00 for a date in the European central timezone that is UTC+1 in winter time and UTC+2 in summer time.
    • Lines 17 introduces a new property, a calculated duration. From the start time and end time values of a past start the difference in seconds is calculated and is forwarded to the report.
  • Line 20: The list of properties per task history item is piped to the Export-Excel cmdlet that is available with the ImportExcel PowerShell Module. The report file name is specified and optionally the worksheet. For a full list of parameters see the ImportExcel PowerShell Module.
