- Hibernate file make use of KeePass database (kdbx) with Key File Authentication for accessing Database credentials
- cs://server/test/reporting/MySQL is the <entry_path> path where the MySQL database credential stores.
- file- File path where the KeePass database (kdbx)
Note: If the key file name and KeePass database (kdbx) file name are the same and are at the same location, for example, KeePass database name is kdbx-p-f.kdbx and the key file name is kdbx-p-f.key and both are on the same path i.e. config/cs then it will take the key default and it is not required to mention the path to the key file.
- Download the attached archive:
- For Windows Operating System credential_store_using_hibernate_Key_file_example.zip
- For Linux Operating System credential_store_using_hibernate_key_file_example.tar
- Unzip the archive to the live folder of JobScheduler installation
- Add the database configuration according to your environment in the KDBX database (present in the example folder) for using the kdbx with the key file which accesses the credential to log in to the database.