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parameters in a PowerShell script and


passing them to the next step


At every change of status in job chains Job Scheduler parses a temporary file for "namh1. name=value" pairs. The "namevalue" name/value pairs will be set as order paramsparameters for subsequent jobs. The name of the temporary file is available with the environment variable SCHEDULER_RETURN_VALUES. See also Passing_parameters_from_shell-jobs_to_JS for an example showing How to pass parameters to subsequent shell jobs in a job chain for an example how to pass parameters to pure between shell jobs.

The example below describes a job chain with two steps. Both are running the generic job PowerShellExecutor to presented in How to configure a generic PowerShell job to execute a PowerShell script within JobScheduler.

First Step: set a parameter for the next step in the job chain


Code Block
titleSample script: powershell_with_parameter_set.ps1


No Format

 $h1. $A = "myParamPowerShellParam"
 $A | out-file -encoding ASCII $env:scheduler_return_values
 get-content $env:scheduler_return_values
 exit $lastexitcode
 # to change the policy for using PowerShell you can use this .adm file:
 # 25119

Second Step: get the parameter


from the


previous step

Code Block
titleSample script: powershell_with_parameter_get.ps1



 "job-node parameter from the previous step:"
 exit $lastexitcode
 # to change the policy for using PowerShell you can use this .adm file:
 # 25119

Job Chain


The the xml representation of the job _ chain:

Code Block

    <job_chain_node state="100" joh1. job="PowerShellExecutor" next_state="150" error_stath1. state="error"/>
    <job_chain_node state="150" joh1. job="PowerShellExecutor" next_state="200" error_stath1. state="error"/>
    <job_chain_node state="success"/>
    <job_chain_node stath1. state="error"/>


Click the parameter button shown in the image above to specify the parameters for the selected job chain node.

the The parameter for the first step:


the The parameter for the second step:


The parameters for the job chain nodes are defined in a separated configuration file:

Code Block

      <job_chain name"powershell_with_parameter">
          <note languagh1. language="de"/>
          <note language="en"/>
              <process stath1. state="100">
                  <note language="de"/>
                  <note languagh1. language="en"/>
                      <param name="Script_Filename"
                             valuh1. value="$\{SCHEDULER_DATA\}\config\live\samples\90_powerShell\powershell_with_parameter_set.ps1"/>
                      <note language="de">
                          <div xmlnh1. xmlns=""/>
                      <note language="en"/>
              <process stath1. state="150">
                  <note language="de"/>
                  <note languagh1. language="en"/>
                      <param name="Script_Filename"
                             valuh1. value="$\{SCHEDULER_DATA\}\config\live\samples\90_powerShell\powershell_with_parameter_get.ps1"/>
                      <note language="de">
                          <div xmlnh1. xmlns=""/>
                      <note language="en"/>


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