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Whilst the possibilities offered by SSH execution are limited (see What is the difference between SSH -Job job execution and remote JS-AgentsJobScheduler agents?), the possibilities offered by Agents or remote JobSchedulers are also somewhat restricted, in that they rely on process classes.
Process classes have the disadvantage that instances of the job chain and job have to exist (and be maintained) on every JobScheduler that the job is to be (potentially) executed on.


These objects can be seen in the following screenshot from JOE:

The job chain used for this example is quite simple as can be seen in the following diagram:

digraph {
graph [rankdir=TB]
node [shape=Mrecord,style="filled",fillcolor=lightblue]
node [fontsize=10]
	subgraph cluster_0 {
		node [style=filled,color=white];
		label = "Job_Chain_1";
		labeljust = "l";
		pad = 0.1;

StartProcessing [label= "{<f0>Start Processing}"];
Job_1[label= "{<f0>Job_1}"];
EndProcessing [label= "{<f0>End Processing}"];

StartProcessing -> Job_1 -> EndProcessing [weight=4];

The job chain used for this example is quite simple as can be seen in the diagram to the right: 

TODO: Add description of job & shell script .....


We have prepared a second, more complex, example showing use of scheduler.remote_scheduler with dynamically generated orders containing remote_scheduler parameters:

See Also: