- This jar contains only class files which were changed because of an issue.
- All changed class files based on the Git-Tag of the release which is patched.
- For this a new branch with the name "patch-<releaseVersion>" is created starting on the Git-Tag of the release if it doesn't already exist.
- Select Git-Tag (e.g. v1.13.3) in Git Extensions
- Click on "Create New Branch" of the context menu
- Type the name in the following dialog and push the button.
- ...
- This file is read during the login and the "version" is logged in the JOC log.
This file is edited to know which exact version (including the patches) the user has.
- The "version" contains the Jira-Tickets
- The "date" contains the creation date of the patch file.
Code Block title Example { "version":"1.13.3 Patch JOC-877, JOC-880, JOC-892", "gitHash":"188987909bb722a8b1a0bd021f51e12d0c8ae494", "date":"2020-02-21" }