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Accessing parameters, coming from an order or a job, by environment variables makes it easy to use a generic job for executing PowerShell scripts. The order- (or job-) parameters has to specify the name of the script and some more parameters, which will be accessed then by the PowerShell script.

Code Block
 <[ job ]<job title="Execute a PowerShell Script"      order="yes"      stop_on_error="no">
    <[ script ]<script language="shell">
  powershell -nologo -NonInteractive -noprofile -file "%SCHEDULER_PARAM_SCRIPT_FILENAME%" 
  exit %errorlevel%
      </b></i>  ]]>
    <[ monitor ]<monitor name="configuration_monitor" ordering="0">
        <[ script ]<script java_class="[ sos.scheduler.managed.configuration.ConfigurationOrderMonitor]" language="java"/>
    <[ run_time]<run_time/>

The <monitor> used in this example is needed for parameter substitution of the order-parameters.

