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<param namh1. "willi" value"\$ODAT" >

Job and order parameters can be set using global variables. A simple example would be:

Code Block

 <param name="BookingDate" value="\$ODAT">

where the global variable $ODAT represents a date and has been set as described in the Creating_global_variables FAQ. Substituting a job or order parameter in this way would allow, for example, a booking date to be set for a financial transaction although the transaction is actually processed at a later time.

The following is a more complex example Example showing the substitution of global variables in a job:

Code Block
 function spooler_task_before() \{
    var paramNames = spooler_task.params.names.split( ";" );
    for( var i in paramNames )  \{
    return true;
Code Block
 function substituteParams(paramName) \{
    var paramValue = spooler_task.params.value(paramName);
    if(\$/) > -1) \{
        var schedulerParamNames = spooler.variables.names.split( ";" );
        for( var i in schedulerParamNames )  \{
            if(\$/) == -1) \{
            var schedulerParamValue = spooler.variables.value(schedulerParamNames[i]);
  "Substitute: "+paramName+"="+paramValue+" with " + schedulerParamNames[i]+"="+schedulerParamValue);
            var pattern = new RegExp("\\$\\{?SCHEDULER_PARAM_"+schedulerParamNames[i]+"\\}?","ig");
            paramValue = paramValue.replace(pattern,schedulerParamValue);
   "new value of " +paramName+"="+paramValue);
        spooler_task.params.value(paramName) = paramValue;

Substitution of global variables in an order can be carried out in a similar manner.

Further information: