Our recommended approach for this situation would be:
Graphviz |
digraph "Example: File Transfer using JadeJob"\{
graph [rankdir=TB]
node [shape=Mrecord,style="filled",fillcolor=lightblue]
node [fontsize=10]
subgraph cluster_0 \{
node [style=filled,color=white];
label = "JobScheduler";
labeljust = "r";
pad = 0.1;
FileOrderSource[label= "\{<f0> FileOrder\nSource|<f1>Identify\ Category|<f2>Is\ Lock\ Set|\{<f3>Yes|<f4>No\}\}"];
StartProcessing[label= "\{<f0>Start\ Processing\ File\}"];
EndProcessing[label= "\{<f0>End\ Processing\ File|<f1>Release\ Lock\}"];
FileOrderSource:f3 -> Setback -> FileOrderSource:f2;
FileOrderSource:f4 -> StartProcessing -> EndProcessing;
File_Transfer -> FileOrderSource;
\} |
- JS starts as soon as file matching with Regular Expression found in the directory.
No Format This directory is set in the "File Order Sources" area in the "Steps/Nodes" view of the "load_files" job chain. TODO: SCREENSHOT
- JS's aquire_lock job matches file with regular expression and decide file's category: for example Berlin or Munich
No Format The regular expressions are also defined in the "File Order Sources" area shown in the screenshot. Note that the expressions match with the prefixes "a" and "b" in the file names and not directly "Berlin" or "Munich".
- Once aquire_lock finds the matching category it will try to set an Semaphore (Flag) using JS's inbuilt LOCK mechanism
- There is only one instance on LOCK is allowed and once the LOCK has been assigned to first file of Berlin category, next file has to wait with a setback until the LOCK is free.
- THe The same mechanism will be repeated for files from category Munich but since the LOCK is not acquired ( or Semaphore (Flag)) is not set for Munich, file from category Munich will be allowed to be processed.
- Once process is finished depending upon success or error , JS will move the file from in to either done (success) or failed(error).
- After moving input file to correct target directory JS job release_lock will be called which will remove the lock/Semaphore from JS and next file from same category will be allowed.