number of files to remove from the top of the result-set
The number of files are removed from the beginning of the set resulting by min_file_size , min_file_age etc. These files are excluded from further operations.
The result set is sorted according to the used filter parameters:
- ,
- :
- in
- ascending
- order
- by
- date
- of
- last
- modification,
- the
- newest
- file
- first.
- ,
- :
- in
- ascending
- order
- by
- file
- size,
- the
- smallest
- file
- on
- top.
- if
- parameters
- for
- file
- age
- as
- well
- as
- file
- size
- are
- given
- the
- set
- is
- sorted
- by
- file
- age.
Only either skip_first_files or skip_last_files is allowed to be set at one time.
Data-Type : SOSOptionInteger
The default value for this parameter is 0.