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Jetty configuration samples

user authentication with a properties file

Beside the Simple user authentication provided by the jetty plugin you can use a more complex authentification method described by the jetty configuration. The sample below show you the use of the HashLoginService, a mechanism whose authentication and authorization information is stored in a properties file.

First make sure, that your plugin declaration in scheduler.xml does not contain any authentification information:

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     <plugin java_class="com.sos.scheduler.engine.plugins.jetty.JettyPlugin">
       <plugin.config />

In the second step you should define the HashLoginService in your jetty configuration (jetty.xml) as a user realm. That means that you have to configure at least the location of the properties file containing the user information (userid, password, roles) and give them a name (here myRealm).

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    <Call name="addBean">
            <New class="">
                <Set name="name">myRealm</Set>
                <Set name="config"><SystemProperty name="jetty.home" default="." />/config/</Set>
                <Set name="refreshInterval">0</Set>

The properties file config/ contains one or more user definitions, e.g.

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   testuser: test, admin

Finally you have to configure a security constraint and assign your user realm myRealm to a login configuration. To do this you have to change your web.xml:

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