Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The installer configures the ./config/factory.ini, the ./config/schedulerjetty.xml, and the ./config/jettyweb.xml and as described below.
<span stylh1. "color:red">The installer doesn't configure the ./config/webscheduler.xml. If you want to use Jetty then you must configure ./config/scheduler.xml itself as described below.</span>

The installer contains a keystore file for testing https. This keystore is not trusted and has a wrong hostname inside, but can still be used for testing.


You can change these ports in the ./config/jetty.xml.

<span ih1. id"classpath">

Configure factory.ini (Put the necessary libraries in the classpath)


Code Block
 class_path = $\{SCHEDULER_HOME\}/lib/*.jar;$\{SCHEDULER_HOME\}/lib/hibernate/*.jar;<span style="color:red">$\{SCHEDULER_HOME\}/lib/jetty_ext/*.jar</span>


<span idih1. "scheduler">

Configure scheduler.xml


Code Block
  <config ...>
    <security ignore_unknown_hosts="yes">
      <allowed_host host="localhost" level="all"/>
      <allowed_host host="192.11.0" level="all"/>
    <span style="color:red"><plugins>
      <plugin java_class="com.sos.scheduler.engine.plugins.jetty.JettyPlugin">
        <plugin.config />

Please note that it is necessary to specify an empty plugin.config element.

<span ih1. id"jetty">

Configure jetty.xml


The SSL connection expects the jetty keystore file jetty.jks in the subfolder ssl (under the JobScheduler data folder). With the configuration above you can connect JobScheduler via https at port 8443.

<span idih1. "keystore">


To generate a keystore file use keytool:


whereas hostname should be the JobScheduler host.
Use also your own values for Oh1OU, h1. _, _ O and _h1L. _.

<span id="web">

Configure web.xml

To run JobScheduler with jetty it is also necessary to create two configuration files for the Jetty web server (jetty.xml and web.xml). It has to place in the root of your live folder (not in the config folder).
