Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • On Unix you have to installed a samba server.
    No Format
     In the following example a samba folder _tmp_ is configured with sufficient permissions to read and write files for a user _test_.
  • On Windows you have to release a folder with sufficient permissions to read and write files for a user test.
    No Format
     For example the release name of the released folder is _tmp_.



copy files


using cifs

Code Block
source_protocol = local
source_dir      = /tmp/test/jade/in

target_protocol = smb
target_host     =
target_user     = test
target_password = test
target_dir      = tmp

include         = local_source_host,samba_target_host
operation       = copy
file_spec       = \.txt$
