- Basically two calendars have to be used
- a calendar for business dates that are used to parameterize orders for job chains.
- a calendar for execution dates on which job chains are started.
- The solution includes to
- create a standalone job that creates an order for a job chain. The job runs on business dates and will carry a create an order parameter for this date.
- create a job chain that is specified to run on execution dates, i.e. is based on its own calendar.
- As a consequence the following scenarios are covered;
- two orders for two business dates Thu and Fri are created. If Thu and Fri do not meet execution dates in the company calendar then both orders will wait in the target job chain to be executed e.g. next Mon, each order carrying its individual business date parameter.
- if one of the scheduled orders fails then this does not prevent other orders for other business dates from being executed.