- Title: The identifier for the Entry This , this could be a string containing, for example, the host name/server name.
- User name: The user identification of a user account who is authenticated for the operation.
- Password: Assigned password for a user account or passphrase for a private key.
- URL: The host name/server server name or IP address of the server.
- Notes: This block can be used to specify additional parameters for the file transfer.
- File Attachment & Custom Fields: Files such as PGP or SSH private keys can be stored as attachments.
- A first attachment is specified as an attachment .
- Further attachments are specified using my_custom_field parameters.
YADE will retrieve the contents of an attached file at run-time - intermediate or temporary files are not created when reading attachments.
Note that attachments are specified in the KeePass GUI via the AdvancedEdit Entry tab.