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This article describes how to configure basic Calendars with the intention that users will be able to adapt the procedures described to meet a large part of their everyday needs. This article is not intended to provide a description of all the possible configuration items. An overview of The JOC Cockpit - Calendar Management article provides starting point for more general information about the JOC Cockpit's Calendar feature is provided in the JOC Cockpit - Calendar Management article.

Configuration Steps

Create Calendar

Calendars are created in the JOC Cockpit Resources / Calendars view by clicking the Add Calendar button as shown in the first screenshot.


Note that the creation of Calendars requires that a user is signed in with an account that has been granted the necessary permissions. See your system administrator if you are not able to follow the examples shown.

Calendar Configuration

Calendars are created in the JOC Cockpit Resources / Calendars view by clicking the Add Calendar button as shown in the first screenshot.

This will open the Create Calendar modal window . To create a simple Calendar that should be filled out as shown in the next screenshot:


Clicking on the Add Frequency button as shown above will cause the days selected to be noted as shown in the next screenshot.

Note that no the configuration information has not yet been saved.


Now click on the Excluded Frequencies tab to add days for which no jobs should not be executed on and then click on the Add Frequency button.

In the Add Frequencies window now select the National Holidays tab and then a country - here the USA. This will cause a list of national holidays to be displayed. Select All the days to be observed and then enter the current year (in this case 2017) in the Year field. Click on Add Frequency. This will result in the following screenshot:


As our Included Frequencies were up valid to 2018, holidays should also be added for that year.


Clicking once again in the Calendar icon below the Action header will reopen the Calendar Preview window.


This Calendar is now ready to be used for an Order or Job.



a Calendar to an Order

Go to the Job Chains view and select an Order. The Job Chain and Order to be used for this article are shown in the screenshot below.  


The next screenshot shows how the Edit XML button in the Set Run-time window can be used to inspect and, if required, edit individual entries in the Calendar configuration:

Configuring the Order Periods (Run-Times)


Periods are used to specify the time or times at which a Job or Order will run on the days that have been specified in the Calendar. In addition, the behavior when the "regular" execution date of a Job or Order falls on a non-working day such as a holiday is specified as part of the Period.

Configuration of a new Period is started by clicking on the + symbol alongside the relevant calendar Calendar as shown in the screenshot above. This will open the Create Period modal window.

Enter a Start Time - here a 'Single Start at 15:00 . Clicking the Save button now will cause the Period configuration to be added to the Order.

Note that the On Holiday Setting setting - will not function with the calendar configured in the first half of this article. On Holiday only works when a Non-Working Day calendar is used to configure holidays. Such a configuration will be described in the .... Use Case 

titleLink required
the Calendar Use Cases - Managing Working and Non-Working Day Calendars article.

The next screenshot shows that two Single Start Periods have been configured - at 15:00 and at 21:00.


Note that in the current calendar configuration (described in the first part of this article), Working Days were defined as being Monday to Friday, less the excluded Holidays. Holidays were not specifically defined. This means that every 3rd Working Day will be quite rigidly interpreted and that more complex handling of holidays (such as execution on the preceding or succeeding day) is not possible. A more flexible configuration using separate Working and Non-Working Day Calendars will be described in the .... the Calendar Use Cases - Managing Working and Non-Working Day Calendars Article.  StatustitleLink required

Configuration Procedure

Re-open the Set Run-time modal window for the Order using the Edit Calendar menu item as shown below.


As already noted above, Holidays have been specified in the Calendar as excluded Working Days and not as Non-Working Days, effectively excluding any more sophisticated behavior around holidays, such as execution on the preceding day. See for StatustitleLink requiredthe Calendar Use Cases - Managing Working and Non-Working Day Calendars article for an alternative approach.

Checking the Configuration


  • With the Edit XML function in the Set Run-time modal window:
  • With the Calendar View window, which is accessed using the Order's Show Calendar function:

The Valid From 1st Jan 2018 setting in the Restriction filters out all dates from dates for 2017 but provides a clear starting point for calculating execution dates in 2018. Note that as the 1st of January is not a Working Day, the Order will be first executed on the 2nd. Execution proceeds regularly until the 15th of January, which is a Non-Working Day (Martin Luther King day) and therefore ignored, with the next execution taking place on the 16th.
