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Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException





int executeUpdateNativeQuery(String sql)      

The method executes statements as UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE..

Implement a wrapper method for the Hibernate executeUpdate.

Returns: The number of entities updated or deleted.

Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException,SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException




int executeUpdate(Query<?> query)      

The method executes statements as UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE..


To execute the native statements Query param must be a NativeQuery.

Returns: The number of entities updated or deleted.

Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException


public void executeUpdate(Query<?> query)      

The method executes statements as UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE..
