- To manage permissions switch to
- English:
Control panel -> Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment
- German:
Systemsteuerung -> Verwaltung -> Lokale Sicherheitsrichlinie -> Lokale Richtlinien -> Zuweisen von Benutzerrechte
- English:
- Just in case that you want to dig into details find references about the constants that are used for privileges from the following links:
Permissions for the Agent Account
- Permission:
SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME (SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege)
- English
: Replace a process-level token
- German:
Ersetzen eines Tokens auf Prozessebene
- Japanese
: プロセス レベル トークンを置き換え
- English
- Permission:
SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME (SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege)
- English
: Adjust memory quotas for a process
- German:
Anpassen von Speicherkontingenten für einen Prozess
- Japanese:
プロセスのメモリ クォータの増加
- English
Then right-click the permission and use the Properties -> Add user or group
action to add the respective Agent account as explained for the above permissions.
- Permission:
SE_BACKUP_NAME (SeBackupPrivilege)
- English:
Back up files and directories
- German:
Sichern von Dateien und Verzeichnissen
- Japanese:
- English:
- Permission:
SE_RESTORE_NAME (SeRestorePrivilege)
- English:
Restore files and directories
- German:
Wiederherstellen von Dateien und Verzeichnissen
- Japanese:
- English:
Right-click the permission and use the Properties -> Add user or group
action to add the respective Agent account as explained for the above permissions.
- Permission:
- English:
Log on as a batch job
- German:
Anmelden als Stapelverarbeitungsauftrag
- Japanese:
バッチ ジョブとしてログオン
- English:
Right-click the permission and use the Properties -> Add user or group
action to add the respective target user as explained for the above permissions.