Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleRelease 1.11.4 - new methods
  • SOSHibernateException
    • SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException
    • SOSHibernateObjectOperationException
  • SOSHibernateSession
    • setAutoCommit
    • isAutoCommit
    • getSingleResultNativeQueryAsMap
    • getSingleResultNativeQueryAsStringMap
    • getSingleResultAsMap
    • getSingleResultAsStringMap
    • getResultListNativeQueryAsMaps
    • getResultListNativeQueryAsStringMaps
    • getResultListAsMaps
    • getResultListAsStringMaps
    • scroll


Table of Contents

Class Hierarchy and Deployment

All classes share the package name com.sos.hibernate.classes and are deployed in the archive com.sos-berlin.jobscheduler.hibernate-commons-<version>.jar.

Deployment of the connection package is provided for:


Classes and Methods



Java package : com.sos.hibernate.classes

Creates SOSHibernateSessions SOSHibernateSession.

Wrapper Class for the Hibernate SessionFactory: see


Java package : com.sos.hibernate.classes

Runtime Run-time interface between a Java application and Hibernate. 



Java package : com.sos.hibernate.classes

Runtime Run-time interface between a Java application and Java Connection.


See SOSHibernateSession.getSQLExecutor().


Java package : com.sos.hibernate.exceptions


  • SOSHibernateConfigurationException
  • SOSHibernateConnectionException
  • SOSHibernateConvertException
  • SOSHibernateFactoryBuildException
  • SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException
  • SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException
  • SOSHibernateObjectOperationException
  • SOSHibernateOpenSessionException
  • SOSHibernateQueryException
  • SOSHibernateQueryNonUniqueResultException
  • SOSHibernateSessionException
  • SOSHibernateTransactionException
  • SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


SOSHibernate uses the standard Hibernate configuration to configure Hibernate and allows to set the configuration properties programmatically at runtime.


See SOSHibernateFactory.setUseDefaultConfigurationProperties(boolean val).

Public Methods 



public SOSHibernateFactory()

Use the mappings and properties specified in an application resource named hibernate.cfg.xml.


public SOSHibernateFactory(String hibernateConfigFile)

Use the mappings and properties specified in the given application file.


public SOSHibernateFactory(Path hibernateConfigFile)

Use the mappings and properties specified in the given application file.


Configuration methods

Configuration methods that can be applied, before Hibernate SessionFactory is created.

public void addClassMapping(ClassList list)

Adds the @Entity annotated classes to the configuration mapping.


import com.sos.hibernate.classes.ClassList;


ClassList cl = new ClassList();






public void setIdentifier(String val)  

Sets the factory identifier used by logging.   


public void setUseDefaultConfigurationProperties(boolean val)

Sets use defaults configuration properties (default - true).


  • hibernate.connection.isolation                   =  String.valueOf(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED) 
  • hibernate.connection.autocommit                 = false
  • hibernate.jdbc.use_scrollable_resultset = true
  • hibernate.current_session_context_class = jta
  •     = false
  • hibernate.sos.mssql_lock_timeout        = 30000 
  • javax.persistence.validation.mode              = none


public void setAutoCommit(boolean commit)     

Sets Hibernate configuration property hibernate.connection.autocommit.   


public void setTransactionIsolation(int level)  

Sets Hibernate configuration property hibernate.connection.isolation.     


public void setConfigFile(String hibernateConfigFile)   

Sets application file.

Throws: SOSHibernateConfigurationException if file not exist        


public void setConfigFile(Path hibernateConfigFile)   

Sets application file.

Throws: SOSHibernateConfigurationException if file not exist


public void setConfigurationProperties(Properties properties)

Sets the configuration properties of the current application.




Properties p = new Properties();






public Enum<SOSHibernateFactory.Dbms> getDbmsBeforeBuild()

Returns: Return the current SOSHibernateFactory.Dbms before SessionFactory is created.


Throws: SOSHibernateConfigurationException


Create Hibernate SessionFactory


Create a Hibernate SessionFactory using the properties and mappings in this configuration. 

Throws: SOSHibernateFactoryBuildException


Methods after Hibernate SessionFactory is created

public SOSHibernateSession openSession()

Open a Session.

Implement a wrapper method for the Hibernate SessionFactory.openSession()


Throws: SOSHibernateOpenSessionException


public SOSHibernateSession openSession(String identifier)

Open a Session.

Sets the session identifier used by logging.


Throws: SOSHibernateOpenSessionException


public SOSHibernateSession openStatelessSession()            

Open a new stateless session.


Throws: SOSHibernateOpenSessionException


public SOSHibernateSession openStatelessSession(String identifier)      

Open a new stateless session.


Throws: SOSHibernateOpenSessionException


public SOSHibernateSession getCurrentSession()       

Obtains the current session.


Throws: SOSHibernateOpenSessionException


public SOSHibernateSession getCurrentSession(String identifier)   

Obtains the current session.


Throws: SOSHibernateOpenSessionException


public String quote(Type type, Object value)      

Quotes the field value dependent of the hibernate type.




import org.hibernate.type.*;


  • factory.quote(NumericBooleanType,new Boolean(true)));
    • return 1
  • factory.quote(LongType,new Long(100));   
    • return 100
  • factory.quote(StringType,"my_''value");
    • return 'my_''''value'
  • factory.quote(TimestampType,new Date());
    • return
      • Oracle
        • to_date('2017-01-01 12:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS');
      • MS SQL Server
        • '2017-01-01T12:00:00.123'
      • Others
        • '2017-01-01 12:00:00.123'



public String quoteColumn(String columnName)   

Quotes the column.

Returns: quoted column name




e.g. return

  • MS SQL Server
    • [MY_COLUMN]
  • MySQL
    • `MY_COLUMN`



public Dialect getDialect()        

Returns: Hibernate Dialect. See   


public SessionFactory getSessionFactory()         

Returns: Hibernate SessionFactory. See


public Enum<SOSHibernateFactory.Dbms> getDbms()    

Returns: Return the current SOSHibernateFactory.Dbms.




public String getSequenceLastValString(String sequenceName)      

Returns the most recent statement of a sequence generator.


  • MS SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
    • SELECT <sequenceName>.currval FROM DUAL;
  • PostreSQL
    • SELECT currval('<sequenceName>');
  • DB2
  • Sybase


public void close()

Destroy this SessionFactory and release all resources (caches, connection pools, etc). 





public boolean getAutoCommit()     

Returns: Hibernate configuration property hibernate.connection.autocommit.

Throws: SOSHibernateConfigurationException - if not configured


public int getTransactionIsolation()   

Returns: Hibernate configuration property hibernate.connection.isolation.

Throws: SOSHibernateConfigurationException - if not configured      


public static String getTransactionIsolationName(int isolationLevel)    

Returns: Transaction isolation name.


Throws: SOSHibernateConfigurationException - if invalid isolationLevel    


public Optional<Path> getConfigFile()       

Returns: application file.    


public Configuration getConfiguration()   

Returns: Hibernate Configuration. See    


public Properties getConfigurationProperties()

Returns: configuration properties defined by the current application. 

public ClassList getClassMapping()

Returns: mapping entities defined by the current application. 

public boolean isUseDefaultConfigurationProperties()

Returns: default configuration properties using.


public Properties getDefaultConfigurationProperties()   

Returns: default configuration properties.

See SOSHibernateFactory.setUseDefaultConfigurationProperties


public String getIdentifier()         

Returns: gets the factory identifier.  


public Optional<Integer> getJdbcFetchSize()

Returns: Hibernate configuration property hibernate.jdbc.fetch_size.




No public constructors available.


  • SOSHibernateFactory.openSession
  • SOSHibernateFactory.openStatelessSession
  • SOSHibernateFactory.getCurrentSession


public void setAutoCommit(boolean val)

Sets the session autocommit.

Default - SOSHibernateFactory.getAutoCommit()


public void setIdentifier(String val)

Sets the session identifier used by logging.   


public void setCacheMode(CacheMode cacheMode) 

Implement a wrapper method for the Hibernate Session.setCacheMode(CacheMode cashMode).                                                        


Note: works only with Hibernate Session interface, not with StatelessSession interface.  


public void setHibernateFlushMode(FlushMode flushMode)

Represents a flushing strategy.                                                      


Note: works only with Hibernate Session interface, not with StatelessSession interface.



public boolean isAutoCommit()  

Returns: session autocommit mode.


public boolean isStatelessSession()  

Returns: Check if the SOSHibernateSession was created by SessionFactory.openStatelessSession().   


public boolean isGetCurrentSession()   

Returns: Check if the SOSHibernateSession was created by SessionFactory.getCurrentSession().     


public boolean isOpen() 

Implement a wrapper method for the Hibernate Session/StatelessSession isOpen.

Returns: Check if the session is still open.


public boolean isConnected() 

Implement a wrapper method for the Hibernate Session/StatelessSession isConnected.

Returns: Check if the session is currently connected.   


public SOSHibernateFactory getFactory()        

Returns: SOSHibernateFactory.


public SOSHibernateSQLExecutor getSQLExecutor()        

Returns: SOSHibernateSQLExecutor.


public String getIdentifier()     

Returns: session identifier. 


public FlushMode getHibernateFlushMode()  

Returns: Hibernate FlushMode. See

Note: works only with Hibernate Session interface, not with StatelessSession interface.


public CacheMode getCacheMode()        

Returns: Hibernate CashMode. See    

Note: works only with Hibernate Session interface, not with StatelessSession interface.  


public Object getCurrentSession()   

Returns:current Session or StatelessSession object.


public Connection getConnection()      

Returns: java.sql.Connection.



public void close()     

Close the Hibernate Session / StatelessSession.


public void clearSession()

Completely clear the session.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateSessionException


public void beginTransaction() 

Implement a wrapper method for the Hibernate Session / StatelessSession beginTransaction().

Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateTransactionException


public void commit() 

Implement a wrapper method for the Hibernate Session / StatelessSession commit().

Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateTransactionException


public void rollback() 

Implement a wrapper method for the Hibernate Session / StatelessSession rollback().

ThrowsSOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateTransactionException     


public Transaction getTransaction() 

Implement a wrapper method for the Hibernate Session / StatelessSession getTransaction().


ThrowsSOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateTransactionException  


Hibernate object/entity

public void save(Object item) 

Persist the given transient instance, first assigning a generated identifier.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateObjectOperationException


public void update(Object item) 

Update the persistent instance with the identifier of the given detached instance.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateObjectOperationException


public void saveOrUpdate(Object item) 

Persist or update the persistent instance with the identifier of the given detached instance.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateObjectOperationException


public void delete(Object item) 

Remove a persistent instance from the datastore.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateObjectOperationException


public void refresh(Object object) 

Re-read the state of the given instance from the underlying database.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateObjectOperationException


public void refresh(String entityName, Object object) 

Re-read the state of the given instance from the underlying database.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateObjectOperationException


public <T> T get(Class<?> entityClass, Serializable id) 

Returns: persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier, or null if there is no such persistent instance.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateObjectOperationException


Native Queries


public <T> NativeQuery<T> createNativeQuery(String sql)         

Create a NativeQuery instance for the given native (SQL) query string.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException


public <T> NativeQuery<T> createNativeQuery(String sql, Class<T> entityClass)    

Create a NativeQuery instance for the given native (SQL) query string using implicit mapping to the specified Java type.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException



public void executeUpdateNativeQuery(String sql)      

The method executes statements as UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE..


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException,SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException


public void executeUpdate(Query<?> query)      

The method executes statements as UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE..


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException



public String getSingleValueNativeQueryAsString(String sql)    

Creates and get the result of the Hibernate NativeQuery.


               Note: difference to Query.getSingleResult - not throw NoResultException.


public <T> T getSingleValueNativeQuery(String sql)    

Creates and get the result of the Hibernate NativeQuery.


               Note: difference to Query.getSingleResult - not throw NoResultException. 



public <T> T getSingleValue(NativeQuery query)    

 Get the result of the Hibernate NativeQuery.


               Note: difference to Query.getSingleResult - not throw NoResultException. 


public String getSingleValueAsString(NativeQuery query)    

 Get the result of the Hibernate NativeQuery.


                Note: difference to Query.getSingleResult - not throw NoResultException.

public <T> T getSingleResultNativeQuery(String sql)     

 Creates a NativeQuery from sql query string and execute <T> T getSingleResult(NativeQuery<T> nativeQuery)


 Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryNonUniqueResultException, SOSHibernateQueryException



public <T> Map<String, Object> getSingleResultNativeQueryAsMap(String sql)     

 Creates a NativeQuery from sql query string and execute <T> Map<String, Object> getSingleResultAsMap(NativeQuery<T> nativeQuery)


 Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryNonUniqueResultException, SOSHibernateQueryException

public <T> Map<String, String> getSingleResultNativeQueryAsStringMap(String sql)     

Creates a NativeQuery from sql query string and execute <T> Map<String, String> getSingleResultAsStringMap(NativeQuery<T> nativeQuery, String dateTimeFormat)


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryNonUniqueResultException, SOSHibernateQueryException


public <T> Map<String, String> getSingleResultNativeQueryAsStringMap(String sql, String dateTimeFormat)

Creates a NativeQuery from sql query string and execute <T> Map<String, String> getSingleResultAsStringMap(NativeQuery<T> nativeQuery, String dateTimeFormat)


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryNonUniqueResultException, SOSHibernateQueryException


public <T> T getSingleResult(NativeQuery<T> nativeQuery)    

 The method reads one record from a query.


               Note: difference to Query.getSingleResult - not throw NoResultException.    

public <T> Map<String, Object> getSingleResultAsMap(NativeQuery<T> nativeQuery)    

The method reads one record from a query.


               Note: difference to Query.getSingleResult - not throw NoResultException.          

public <T> Map<String, String> getSingleResultAsStringMap(NativeQuery<T> nativeQuery, String dateTimeFormat)   

The method reads one record from a query and format the Date fileds. 


              Note: difference to Query.getSingleResult - not throw NoResultException.                   


public <T> List<T> getResultListNativeQuery(String sql)   

 Creates a NativeQuery from sql query string and execute <T> List<T> getResultList(Query<T> query)


 Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException

public <T> List<Map<String, Object>> getResultListNativeQueryAsMaps(String sql)   

Creates a NativeQuery from sql query string and execute <T> List<Map<String, Object>> getResultListAsMaps(NativeQuery<T> nativeQuery)


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException


public <T> List<Map<String, String>> getResultListNativeQueryAsStringMaps(String sql)     

 Creates a NativeQuery from sql query string and execute <T> List<Map<String, String>> getResultListAsStringMaps(NativeQuery<T> nativeQuery, String dateTimeFormat)


 Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException

public <T> List<Map<String, String>> getResultListNativeQueryAsStringMaps(String sql, String dateTimeFormat)     

Creates a NativeQuery from sql query string and execute <T> List<Map<String, String>> getResultListAsStringMaps(NativeQuery<T> nativeQuery, String dateTimeFormat)


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException

public <T> List<T> getResultList(NativeQuery<T> nativeQuery)      

The method reads all records from a query. 


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException



public <T> List<Map<String, Object>> getResultListAsMaps(NativeQuery<T> nativeQuery)      

 The method reads all records from a query. 


 Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException

public <T> List<Map<String, String>> getResultListAsStringMaps(NativeQuery<T> query)      

The method reads all records from a query. 


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException


public <T> List<Map<String, String>> getResultListAsStringMaps(NativeQuery<T> query, String dateTimeFormat) 

The method reads all records from a query and format the Date fileds.  


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException


public <T> ScrollableResults scroll(NativeQuery<T> nativeQuery)

The method executes the scroll method with the ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY

See ScrollableResults scroll(Query<T> nativeQuery, ScrollMode scrollMode);


public <T> ScrollableResults scroll(Query<T> nativeQuery, ScrollMode scrollMode)

The method executes a sql query statements and preserves the result set.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException


public String getLastSequenceValue(String sequenceName)   

Returns: the most recent value of a sequence generator.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryNonUniqueResultException, SOSHibernateQueryException



Called by session.getSQLExecutor(). 

public void setDefaults()   

The following default settings are applied: 


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException

public List<String> getStatements(Path file)       

Returns: List of the individual SQL query statements from multiple statements that are specified in the file.  

Throws: SOSHibernateSQLCommandExtractorException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


public List<String> getStatements(String content)    

Returns: List of the individual sql query statements from multiple statements that are specified in the method argument. This method implements a parser that isolates statements and respects DDL statements (create procedure etc.) and DML statements.      

Throws: SOSHibernateSQLCommandExtractorException


public void executeStatements(Path file)     

Execute individual SQL query statements from multiple statements that are specified in the file.

ThrowsSOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLCommandExtractorException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException     


public void executeStatements(String content)  

Execute individual SQL query statements from multiple statements that are specified in the method argument. 

ThrowsSOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLCommandExtractorException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


public boolean execute(String... sqls)      

The method executes one or more statements, e.g. calls to stored procedures.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException



public void executeUpdate(String... sqls)      

The method executes DML statements as UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE..


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


public void executeQuery(String sql)       

The method executes a sql query statement without preserves the result set.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException



public int[] executeBatch(String... sqls)  

The method executes one or more statements as batch.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


public int executeUpdateCallableStatement(String sql)  

Implement a wrapper method for the java.sql.CallableStatement.executeUpdate().


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


public ResultSet getResultSet(String sql)

The method executes a sql query statements and preserves the result set.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


public Map<String, String> next(ResultSet rs)

The method reads the next record from the result set returned by a query.


Throws: SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


public Map<String, String> nextAsStringMap(ResultSet rs)

The method reads the next record from the result set returned by a query.


Throws: SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


public void close(ResultSet rs)

The method closes the result set and statement objects.

See Samples.


public byte[] getBlob(String sql)   

This method retrieves the content of a BLOB database field.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


public long getBlob(String sql, Path path)       

This method saves the content of a BLOB database field in a new file.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


public String getClob(String sql)      

This method retrieves the content of a CLOB database field.  


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException

public long getClob(String sql, Path path)

This method retrieves the content of a CLOB database field to a file.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


public int updateBlob(Path path, String tableName, String columnName, String condition)  

This method saves the content of a file in a BLOB database field.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException

public int updateBlob(byte[] data, String tableName, String columnName, String condition)    

This method saves the content of a byte array in a BLOB database field. 


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


public void updateBlob(InputStream inputStream, int dataLength, String tableName, String columnName, String condition)     

This method saves the InputStream in a BLOB database field. 

ThrowsSOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException     


public int updateClob(Path path, String tableName, String columnName, String condition)        

This method saves the content of a file in a CLOB database field. 


ThrowsSOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException  

public int updateClob(String data, String tableName, String columnName, String condition)            

This method saves the string data in a CLOB database field.  


ThrowsSOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException  


public void updateClob(Reader reader, int dataLength, String tableName, String columnName, String condition)    

This method saves the Reader in a CLOB database field.   

Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateConnectionException, SOSHibernateSQLExecutorException


HQL/JPQL Queries

Wrapper methods using Hibernate Query interface.


public <T> Query<T> createQuery(String hql)  

Create a Query instance for the given HQL/JPQL query string.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException




public void executeUpdate(String hql)      

The method executes statements as UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE..


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException


public void executeUpdate(Query<?> query)      

The method executes statements as UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE..


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException



public <T> T getSingleValue(String hql)  

Creates a Query from HQL/JPQL query string and execute <T> T getSingleValue(Query<T> query).

Returns:See <T> T getSingleValue(Query<T> query).
Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryNonUniqueResultException, SOSHibernateQueryException


public String getSingleValueAsString(String hql)  

 Creates a Query from HQL/JPQL query string and execute <T> T getSingleValue(Query<T> query).

 Returns: value as String or null in the event of an empty result set.
Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryNonUniqueResultException, SOSHibernateQueryException

public <T> T getSingleValue(Query<T> query)     

The method reads a value of the first record from the result set of a Query.


               Note: difference to Query.getSingleResult - not throw NoResultException.



public <T> String getSingleValueAsString(Query<T> query)     

 The method reads a value of the first record from the result set of a Query.


                Note: difference to Query.getSingleResult - not throw NoResultException.

public <T> T getSingleResult(String hql) 

Creates a Query from HQL/JPQL query string and execute <T> T getSingleResult(Query<T> query).


ThrowsSOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryNonUniqueResultException, SOSHibernateQueryException


public <T> T getSingleResult(Query<T> query) 

The method reads one record from a query.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryNonUniqueResultException, SOSHibernateQueryException
               Note: difference to Query.getSingleResult - not throw NoResultException.


public List<T> T getResultList(String hql) 

Creates a Query from HQL/JPQL query string and execute <T> T getResultList(Query<T> query).


ThrowsSOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException

public List<T> T getResultList(Query<T> query) 

The method reads all records from a query.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, SOSHibernateQueryException

public <T> ScrollableResults scroll(Query<T> query)

The method executes the scroll method with the ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY

See ScrollableResults scroll(Query<T> query, ScrollMode scrollMode);


public <T> ScrollableResults scroll(Query<T> query, ScrollMode scrollMode)

The method executes a sql query statements and preserves the result set.


Throws: SOSHibernateInvalidSessionException, SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException, , SOSHibernateQueryException


Additional public methods:

public SQLException getSQLException

Returns: java.sql.SQLException or null


public String getStatement()

Returns: sql/hql statement, [n/a] for not available or null.


public String toString()

Returns: provides additionally the sql/hql statement if possible.

History of SOSHibernate with JobScheduler Releases

titleRelease 1.


11.4 - new methods
  • SOSHibernateException
    • SOSHibernateLockAcquisitionException
    • SOSHibernateObjectOperationException
  • SOSHibernateSession
    • setAutoCommit
    • isAutoCommit
    • getSingleResultNativeQueryAsMap
    • getSingleResultNativeQueryAsStringMap
    • getSingleResultAsMap
    • getSingleResultAsStringMap
    • getResultListNativeQueryAsMaps
    • getResultListNativeQueryAsStringMaps
    • getResultListAsMaps
    • getResultListAsStringMaps
    • scroll