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Comment: Use Case added


Roles with Folder Permissions are often configured for Users in combination with default Roles. For example, if the demo_user described here was allocated the it_operator Role in addition to the demo_role, they would be able to carry out the tasks allowed by the default IT Operator Permissions but only for JobScheduler Objects in the demo folder and, if configured, its child Folders. See the Use Case below for an example configuration.

Use Cases

Mandator-Specific User Accounts

Consider the case where an Application Manager works for a mandator (client), in an environment where a JobScheduler Master is used for two mandators, A & B.

  • Each mandator's JobScheduler objects (Jobs, Orders, Schedules, etc.) are stored in a sub-folder of the JobScheduler Master's live folder.
  • Mandator A's Application Manager has the standard permissions allocated for this Role but can only see their mandator's Jobs, Orders, Schedules and log files.

File Structure

The JobScheduler Master live folder will have the following structure:

  • live
    • mandator_a
    • mandator_b
    • sos (housekeeping jobs, etc)

User Accounts, Roles and Permissions

A User Account for mandator A's Application Manager (mandator_a_am_user) will be configured, in addition to the default User Accounts provided with the JOC Cockpit (root, administrator, application_manager, incident_manager, etc.). The mandator A Application Manager account will be allocated two roles - the default application_manager Role and a specially created mandator_a_role. The mandator_a_role will then be restricted to accessing only the mandator_a folder.

Configuration Steps

See the

  • Create the mandator_a_role in the Masters section of the Manage Accounts view.
    Image Added
    Once created the new role will be added to the Roles list which can be seen in the background of the screenshot above.

  • The mandator_a_am_user account is now created in the Accounts section and the application_manager and mandator_a_role Roles specified.
    Image Added

  • The mandator A Folder access restriction is now added for the mandator_a_role in the Master section.
    Image Added

When a user now logs in with the credentials for the mandator_a_am_user account they will only be able to access JobScheduler objects in the mandator_a folder as well as log and audit log information relevant to these objects. This can be seen in the following screenshot showing the Job Chains view:

Image Added

Note that the  Role can be "reused" to restrict the access of other User Accounts that may be required to meet the full service requirement of Mandator A.

Example Files

Download the Example

A working example of the above use case can be downloaded from this link:

Install the Example

When the archive is unpacked three elements will shown:

  • two folders:
    • mandator_a and
    • mandator_b and
  • a shiro.ini configuration file.

Copy the two folders with all their contents to your JobScheduler's live folder. It is not necessary to delete any of the existing folders.

Make a backup of the current shiro.ini file in the /joc/resources/joc folder and then overwrite the current shiro.ini file from the version from the download archive. See the Installation Instructions for the JobScheduler and JOC Cockpit for information about the default locations of these folders.

Restart the Jetty server to implement the changes in the shiro.ini configuration.

Example Description

Each of the mandator folders contains a hello_world sub-folder with job chains and orders that are scheduled to run once an hour.

The shiro.ini file contains a configuration based on the shiro.ini file delivered with the JOC Cockpit installation with the following default roles active:


In addition the following mandator-specific User and Role has been configured:





Show If

Use Cases

Multi-Mandator Scheduling

A JobScheduler Master can be used to provide job scheduling services for a number of mandators / clients and ensure that Users such as operators or support staff associated with one mandator do not have access to scheduling activities or configuration information for another mandator. This is achieved by configuring a combination of Roles and Folder Permissions.  

Consider a JobScheduler Master carrying out scheduler activities for two clients mandator A and mandator B:

  • The JobScheduler's live Folder is structured as follows:
    • live
      • mandator_a_folder (for all Jobs, Orders, etc. for this client)
      • mandator_b_folder (for all Jobs, Orders, etc. for this client)
      • sos (the default folder for Housekeeping and other Jobs, Orders, etc.)
  • Incident management for each mandator is carried out by separate User with the default incident_manager Role and a Role with Folder Permissions restricting them to the respective mandator Folder- i.e.
    • mandator_a_im_user (Incident Manager User  for mandator A)
      • incident_manager (common default Role)
      • mandator_a_role (mandator-specific Role)
        • mandator_a_folder (Folder Permission)
    • mandator_b_im_user (Incident Manager User  for mandator B)
      • incident_manager (common default Role)
      • mandator_b_role (mandator-specific Role)
        • mandator_b_folder (Folder Permission)

The above configuration means that the incident manager Users for mandator A and mandator B will only be able to see the Jobs, Orders, log files, and other possibly confidential information for their respective mandator.

See the Folders Section (above) for instructions about configuring Folder Permissions.

Example Files

Download the Example

A working example of the above use case can be downloaded from this link:

Install the Example

When the archive is unpacked three elements will shown:

  • two folders:
    • mandator_a_folder and
    • mandator_b_folder and
  • a shiro.ini configuration file.

Copy the two folders with all their contents to your JobScheduler's live folder. It is not necessary to delete any of the existing folders.

Make a backup of the current shiro.ini file in the /joc/resources/joc folder and then overwrite the current shiro.ini file from the version from the download archive. See the Installation Instructions for the JobScheduler and JOC Cockpit for information about the default location of these folders.

Restart the Jetty server to implement the changes in the shiro.ini configuration.

Example Description

Each of the mandator folders contains a hello_world sub-folder with job chains and orders that are scheduled to run once an hour.

The shiro.ini file contains a configuration based on the shiro.ini file delivered with the JOC Cockpit installation with the following default roles active:


In addition the following mandator-specific Users and Roles have been configured:





















Holders of the three mandator_a_* user accounts are only able to access the Jobs, Orders, Schedules, etc in the relevant mandator_*_folder and its sub-folders. In addition, access to Run Plan, History, Audit Log and log file information is only available to user accounts with the correct Permissions,

Note that the user accounts with the it_operator Role are the only ones configured in this example that have the necessary Permissions to start Orders.