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XML CommandDescription
<show_state/>Retrieves status information about a JobScheduler Master


<param.get name="..."/>

Shows parameters from ./config/scheduler.xml
<terminate restart="yes"/>Terminates and restarts a JobScheduler Master
<modify_spooler cmd="abort_immediately_and_restart"/> Aborts and restarts a JobScheduler Master
<modify_spooler cmd="pause"/>Pauses a JobScheduler Master
<modify_spooler cmd="continue"/> Continues operation of the JobScheduler Master after pausing
<terminate/>Terminates a JobScheduler Master
<modify_spooler cmd="abort_immediately"/>Aborts a JobScheduler Master
<modify_spooler cmd="stop"/>Stops any running tasks in a JobScheduler Master

Activates, retrieves and resets log categories

<modify_spooler cmd="continue_exclusive_operation"/>

Terminates the active JobScheduler cluster member and activates a passive cluster member for fail-over
<terminate restart="yes" all_schedulers="yes"/>Terminates and restarts all JobScheduler cluster members
<terminate all_schedulers="yes"/>Terminates all JobScheduler cluster members
<show_history/>Retrieve the JobScheduler history
<show_order/>Retrieve order status information
<modify_order state="..." end_state="..."/>Modifies the starting and ending states of an order
<modify_order><run_time/></modify_order>Modifies the run-time of a temporary ad hoc order
<modify_order><params><param name="..." value="..."/></params></modify_order>Modifies order parameters
<modify_order><run_time/></modify_order>Modifies the run-time of a permanent order
<modify_order state="..."/>Modifies an order's state
<modify_order/>Modifies any remaining order attributes not covered by other permissions
<modify_hot_folder><order/></modify_hot_folder>Updates an order in the JobScheduler Master ./config/live directory
<modfiy_order at="now"/>Causes an immediate start of the order
<modify_order/>Updates order attributes
<modify_order suspended="yes"/>Suspends an order
<modify_order suspended="no"/>Continues a previously suspended order
<modify_order action="reset"/>Resets an order
<modify_order setback="no"/>Removes a setback setting for an order
<remove_order/>Removes a temporary ad hoc order from the JobScheduler Master
<show_statejob_chain/>Retrieves status information about a job chain
<job_chain.modify state="stopped"/>Stops a job chain
<job_chain.modify state="running"/>Continues a previously stopped job chain
<add_order/> Add a temporary ad hoc order to a job chain
<job_chain_node.modify action="next_state"/>Skips a job chain node
<job_chain_node.modify action="process"/>Continues processing of a job chain node that has previously been skipped or stopped
<job_chain_node.modify action="stop"/>Stops a job chain node
<modify_hot_folder><job_chain/></modify_hot_folder>Updates a job chain in the JobScheduler Master ./config/live directory
<show_job/>Retrieves status information about a job
<modify_job><run_time/></modify_job>Modifies the run-time of a job
<modify_hot_folder><job/></modify_hot_folder>Updates a job in the JobScheduler Master ./config/live directory
<start_job/>Starts a job
<modify_job cmd="stop"/>Stops a job
<modify_job cmd="unstop"/>Unstops a previously stopped job
<modify_job cmd="end"/>Terminates a job
<kill_task/>Kills a task that is running for the job
<kill_task immediately="yes" timeout="never"/>  Sends all running tasks for a job a SIGTERM signal
<modify_job cmd="suspend"/>Suspends all running tasks for a job
<modify_job cmd="continue"/>Continues all previously suspended tasks for a job
<show_state/>Retrieves status information about process classes
<process_class/>Modifies a process class
<process_class.remove/>Removes a process class
<modify_hot_folder><process_class/></modify_hot_folder>Updates a process class in the JobScheduler Master ./config/live directory
<show_state/>Retrieves status information about schedules
<modify_hot_folder><schedule substitute="..."/></modify_hot_folder>Assigns a substitute schedule to an existing schedule
<schedule.remove/>Removes a schedule
<modify_hot_folder><schedule/></modify_hot_folder>Updates a schedule in the JobScheduler Master ./config/live directory
<show_state/>Retrieves status information about locks
<lock/>Modifies a lock
<lock.remove/>Removes a lock
