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The JobScheduler Operations Center (JOC) interface can be accessed after the setup by entering the following URL in a web browser (Firefox , Microsoft Internet ExplorerEdge®, Chrome® are supported):


  • The JobScheduler ID

    • The JobScheduler ID is entered in the JobScheduler ID input box. Omit special characters such as  / \ : ; * ? ! $ % & " < > ( ) | ^
    • The ID is used on Microsoft Windows as the name of the JobScheduler service after setup. The service name has the syntax sos_scheduler_[scheduler_id].
    • The JobScheduler ID must be unique over all installed JobSchedulers. (Unless you are building a cluster, in which case all JobScheduler Masters have the same ID. See JobScheduler Master Installation - 10 - Cluster Installation of a Cluster for more information.)
    • In addition, the JobScheduler ID is used as a subdirectory name in the both the $SCHEDULER_HOME and $SCHEDULER_DATA installation paths.
    • The JobScheduler ID is written to the $SCHEDULER_HOME/bin/jobscheduler_environment_variables.(cmd|sh) file and can be changed manually later on.
  • The JobScheduler Host and Ports

    • The JobScheduler Host is used for TCP and HTTP/HTTPS communication to send operating information for JOC and the JobScheduler Web Services.
    • The JobScheduler Port is used for TCP communication with the JobScheduler i.e. for JOC.
    • The JobScheduler HTTP Port is used for HTTP and HTTPS communication by the JobScheduler Web Services. 
      • This port must be unique for each JobScheduler Master being operated either standalone or as a cluster member. 

    • The Host and Port entries are written to the $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/scheduler.xml file and can be changed manually later on.
  • The Allowed Host 

    • This field is required as a security feature of the JobScheduler, whereby communication can be restricted to particular computers. This is explained in more detail in the JobScheduler allowed_host documentation.
    • The Allowed Host entry is also written to the $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/scheduler.xml file and can be changed manually later on.


See also JobScheduler Master Installation - 10 - Cluster Installation of a Cluster.

You can change the architecture later (see here).
