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The JobScheduler is available with a dual licensing model. The GNU GPL 2.0 license is available for Microsoft® Windows® and Linux®, otherwise the commercial license is required.

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If you choose the commercial license then an input field is shown to enter the license key. The license key will be written in the file $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/sos.ini. Even so the license key is invalid you can continue the installation and edit the $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/sos.ini later.


The setup knows two paths. Both paths are expanded with the JobScheduler ID as subdirectory. The form to enter the JobScheduler ID will be described later on.

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The binaries and libraries are stored in this first path ($SCHEDULER_HOME).The default is:


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The configuration and log files are stored in this second path ($SCHEDULER_DATA).The default is:


1.5 Setup Packages

The following packages may be selected during setup:


Package selection is made using the following dialog form:

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1.6 Setup Forms

The number of forms shown during setup depends on the packages which have been chosen for installation.

1.6.1 The Basic JobScheduler Forms

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The JobScheduler ID is entered in the JobScheduler ID input box. Omit special characters like  / \ : ; * ? ! $ % & " < > ( ) | ^


The ports for Jetty are written to the $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/jetty.xml file. The configuration files can be changed manually later on.

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The SMTP Server is specified here along the mail sender, recipient and if required CC und BCC. Multiple addresses are to be separated by commas.

The values entered here configure the $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/factory.ini file, which can also be changed manually later on.

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Specify information regarding whether the JobScheduler should automatically forward job log files by e-mail. 


The following forms are only shown when the Database Support package was selected.

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The radio buttons in the form shown above determine whether the JobScheduler should be installed "stand-alone" or in a backup system or a load balancing cluster (see also 10 - Installation of a Cluster. Further information about Backup Cluster can be found here, about Load Balancing look here. You can change the cluster option later (see here).

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The database system is specified in the upper selection on this form. It is recommended that the box in the center of the form is checked, so that a script which creates and fills the necessary database tables can be executed. Alternatively, the tables can be be changed manually later on (page 28). If you have already installed another JobScheduler with the same database connection then abandon this option.

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The database connection information is specified in the input fields. The middle part where you can choose the provided jTDS JDBC® driver is only shown for Sybase and Microsoft® SQL Server. If you selected MySql® then you get a checkbox for alternatively use of the MariaDB® JDBC® driver. If the jTDS JDBC® driver or the MariaDB® JDBC® driver is unchecked then you must enter your own JDBC® driver in a next dialog. This configuration is saved in the $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/factory.ini, $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/hibernate.cfg.xml and $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/sos_settings.ini files. All files can be changed manually if required.

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This dialog form is offer for:
