Versions Compared


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  • Database Configuration (page 27)
    • The JobScheduler requires a database except it will be used as an agent. The JobScheduler needs the database to archive logs and to remember jobs and order states. A JobScheduler agent doesn't have own jobs or orders and the logging is made by the JobScheduler which calls the agent. So an agent is running without a database.
    • You find the supported database management systems here.
    • Because of licensing restrictions when used with MySql®, Sybase or Microsoft® SQL Server databases, a JDBC® driver appropriate to the database version used must be provided by the end user themselves. Alternatively, a jTDS JDBC® driver, delivered with the JobScheduler setup, can be used for Microsoft® SQL Server and Sybase databases. Similarly, the MariaDB® driver is delivered with the JobScheduler setup, for use for MySql® Server and MariaDB® databases. For IBM® DB2 a JDBC® driver inlusive the license file must be provided by the end user too. Drivers for Oracle® Database and PostgreSQL are contained in the JobScheduler setup.
  • JobScheduler Installation (page 6)
    • Installation of the JobScheduler is carried out using a setup program. This can be downloaded from for Microsoft® Windows® and Linux®.
    • Look here to get an overview of the supported operating systems.
  1. Requirements

    The JobScheduler is for Linux® and Microsoft® Windows® in 64-bit and 32-bit available, for other operating systems currently still only in 32-bit.

    1. Requirements for 32-Bit JobScheduler

      • Oracle® Database Java® Runtime Environment (JRE) 32-Bit at least version 1.8.x. For IBM®AIX® you can use the IBM® Java 32-Bit at least version 1.8.x, too. 
      • For Unix®
      • Two components (JobScheduler Object Editor (JOE) and JobScheduler Information Dashboard (JID)) of the JobScheduler are SWT applications which requires an X-windows system and GTK2.The installation includes a 32-Bit swt.jar, so you need the 32-Bit libraries:

      • For Microsoft® Windows®:
        • The library msvcr100.dll must be stored in C:\windows\system32 and also in C:\windows\SysWOW64 on 64-Bit Microsoft® Windows®.
        • You find the msvcr100.dll in the Java installation [Java® Runtime Environment (JRE) install path]\bin.
        • If you use "Remote Configuration" then the Workload JobSchedulers and its Supervisor JobScheduler should have the same version. Further information about "Remote Configuration" can be found here.

    2. Requirements for 64-Bit JobScheduler

      • Oracle® Database Java® Runtime Environment (JRE) 64-Bit at least version 1.8.x. For IBM®AIX® you can use the IBM® Java 64-Bit at least version 1.8.x, too.  
      • For Unix®
        • A shell in /bin/sh (or a symlink) 
        • The JobScheduler requires some 64-Bit libraries.These are on Linux®:

      • Two components (JobScheduler Object Editor (JOE) and JobScheduler Information Dashboard (JID)) of the JobScheduler are SWT applications which requires an X-window system and GTK2. The installation includes a 64-Bit swt.jar, so you need the 64-Bit libraries:

      • If you use "Remote Configuration" then the Workload JobSchedulers and its Supervisor JobScheduler should have the same version. Further information about "Remote Configuration" can be found here.

  2. Installation Using the Setup Program

    The following archive files including installer are available:

    • jobscheduler_linux-x64.[release].tar.gzfor Linux® 64-Bit
    • jobscheduler_linux-x86.[release].tar.gzfor Linux® 32-Bit
    • jobscheduler_windows-x64.[release].zipfor Microsoft® Windows® 64-Bit 
    • jobscheduler_windows-x86.[release].zipfor Microsoft® Windows® 32-Bit

    Unpack the archive in an arbitrary directory and change to the extracted directory./jobscheduler.[release].

    The installer can be started as a dialog or in batch mode (see Batch Installation (page 20)). If you use the installer as a dialog on Unix® then it requires an X-Server. If an X-Server is not installed, then use the Batch Installation.

    Code Block
    titleExample: Start Installer on Unix®
    /tmp/jobscheduler.[release]> ./
    Code Block
    titleExample: Start Installer on Microsoft® Windows®

    The setup requires administrator privileges on Microsoft® Windows®. The setup opens a dialog for this on Microsoft® Windows® if necessary. On Unix® a sudo prompt will be open. Don't log in as root on Unix® but use sudo! 

    Under Unix®, the root privileges are not required. If you want to install the JobScheduler without root privileges, then call:

    Code Block
    titleExample: Start installer on Unix® without root permissions
    /tmp/jobscheduler.[release]> ./ -u

    The setup dialog starts with the selection of the language to be used in the setup. This is followed by a greeting, acceptance of the license conditions and the specification of two installation directories. The binaries and libraries are stored under the first path.The configuration and log files are stored under the second path.

    For the rest of this documentation the first installation directory will be referred to as $SCHEDULER_HOME and the second as $SCHEDULER_DATA. Specification of the installation directories is followed by the Package Selection (page 11) dialog.

    The forms which are subsequently presented for the configuration of the JobScheduler depend on the packages which are selected for installation alongside the JobScheduler. Further details of the JobScheduler configuration are to be found in the Setup Forms (page 12) chapter.

    After selection of the required packages, the necessary files are copied into the installation directories. After this, the scripts that configure the installation packages are executed. The processing of the installation scripts run during the setup is logged. This log file is to be found in the folder $SCHEDULER_DATA/logs and is named Install_V[release]_[date][time]_[series number].log

    JobScheduler Operations Center (JOC) can be accessed after the setup by entering the following URL in a web browser (Firefox, Microsoft® Internet Explorer, Chrome are supported): http://localhost:[port] where [port] is the port specified for the JobScheduler instance during setup.

  3. Licenses

    The JobScheduler is available with a dual licensing model. The GNU GPL 2.0 license is available for Microsoft® Windows® and Linux®, otherwise the commercial license is required.

     SCREENSHOT Step 2
    If you choose the commercial license then an input field is shown to enter the license key. The license key will be written in the file $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/sos.ini. Even so the license key is invalid you can continue the installation and edit the $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/sos.ini later.


  4. Installation Paths