The Web Services can be addressed by any number of Cockpit GUIs and by external programs such as ERP applications.
The diagram below provides a schematic view of a typical JobScheduler environment using the JOC Cockpit.
Additional features of this new architecture are:
- The Web Services use an LDAP Directory for authentication, authorization is carried out against role-based group permissions data held on the WebServices server. This means that user access to particular resources can be restricted.
- The JobScheduler Web Services can be accessed by more than one Cockpit, so that, for example, an operator situated in a remote site can carry routine tasks at the same time as an administrator in the server room is configuring maintenance procedures.The Web Services use the LDAP Directory not only for authentication but also for authorization. This means that user access to particular resources can be restricted.
- External Applications such as ERP systems can access the Web Services and, for example, start jobs when they provide the correct authentication and authorization.
- Any number of JobScheduler Masters can be controlled via the Web Services as long as they are in the same network.
- JobScheduler Universal Agents or Universal Agent Clusters cannot be directly controlled via the Web Services - this must take place via a JobScheduler Master.
- JobScheduler Masters record status and other information in a database - this information can be called up from the JOC Cockpit via the Web Services.