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This cmdlet creates alias names for JobScheduler cmdlets.


Use-JobSchedulerAlias [-Prefix <String>] [-Excludes <String[]>] [-ExcludesPrefix <String>] -NoDuplicates [<Comm


To create alias names this cmdlet has to be dot sourced, i.e. use

  • . Use-JobSchedulerAlias -Prefix JS: works as expected
  • Use-JobSchedulerAlias-Prefix JS: has no effect

When using a number of modules from different vendors then naming conflicts might occur
for cmdlets with the same name from different modules.

The JobScheduler CLI makes use of the following policy:

  • All cmdlets use a unique qualifier for the module as e.g. Use-JobSchedulerMaster, Get-JobSchedulerInventory etc.
  • Users can use this cmdlet to create a shorthand notation for cmdlet alias names. Two flavors are offered:
    • use a shorthand notation as e.g. Use-JSMaster instead of Use-JobSchedulerMaster. This notation is recommended as is
      suggests fairly unique names.
    • use a shorthand notation as e.g. Use-Master instead of Use-JobSchedulerMaster. This notation can conflict with cmdle
      ts of the PowerShell Core, e.g. for Start-Job, Stop-Job
  • Users can exclude shorthand notation for specific cmdlets by use of an exclusion list.

You can find the resulting aliases by use of the command Get-Command -Module JobScheduler.



-Prefix <String>
Specifies the prefix that is used for a shorthand notation, e.g.

  • with the parameter -Prefix "JS" used this cmdlet creates an alias Use-JSMaster for Use-JobSchedulerMaster
  • with the parameter -Prefix being omitted this cmdlet creates an alias Use-Master for Use-JobSchedulerMaster

By default aliases are created for both the prefix "JS" and with an empty prefix being assigned which results in th
e following possible notation:

  • Use-JobSchedulerMaster
  • Use-JSMaster
  • Use-Master

Default: . UseJobSchedulerAlias -Prefix JS
Default: . UseJobSchedulerAlias -NoDuplicates -ExcludesPrefix JS

Required? false
Position? 1
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?


-Excludes <String[]>
Specifies a list of resulting alias names that are excluded from alias creation.

When omitting the -Prefix parameter then

  • at the time of writing - the following alias names would conflict with cmdlet names from the PowerShell Core:
  • Get-Event
  • Get-Job
  • Start-Job
  • Stop-Job

Required? false
Position? 2
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?


-ExcludesPrefix <String>
Specifies a prefix that is used should a resulting alias be a member of the list of
excluded aliases that is specified with the -Excludes parameter.

When used with the -NoDuplicates parameter then this parameter specifies the prefix that is used
for aliases that would conflict with any exsting cmdlets, functions or aliases.

Required? false
Position? 3
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?


-NoDuplicates <SwitchParameter>
This parameters specifies that no alias names should be created that conflict with existing cmdlets, functions or a

Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?



-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

C:\PS>. Use-JobSchedulerAlias -Prefix JS

Creates aliases for all JobScheduler CLI cmdlets that allow to use, e.g. Use-JSMaster for Use-JobSchedulerMaster

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

C:\PS>. Use-JobSchedulerAlias -Exclude Get-Job,Start-Job,Stop-Job -ExcludePrefix JS

Creates aliases for all JobScheduler CLI cmdlets that allow to use, e.g. Use-Master for Use-JobSchedulerMaster.
This is specified by omitting the -Prefix parameter.

For the resulting alias names Get-Job, Start-Job and Stop-Job the alias names
Get-JSJob, Start-JSJob and Stop-JSJob are created by use of the -ExcludePrefix "JS" parameter.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

C:\PS>. Use-JobSchedulerAlias -NoDuplicates -ExcludesPrefix JS

Creates aliases for all JobScheduler CLI cmdlets that allow to use e.g. Use-Master for Use-JobSchedulerMaster.
Should any alias name conflict with an existing cmdlet, function or alias then the alias will be created with the
prefix specified by the -ExcludesPrefix parameter.

The JobScheduler CLI module uses this alias setting by defalt.