Versions Compared


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Code Block
titleExamples for Exporting Objects
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

# export workflows
./ export "${request_options[@]}" \ --path=/ap/ap3jobs,/ap/Agent/apRunAsUser --type=WORKFLOW

# export draft schedules
./ export "${request_options[@]}" \ --path=/ap/Agent/apAgentSchedule01,/ap/Agent/apAgentSchedule02 --type=SCHEDULE --no-released

# export objects from folder
./ export "${request_options[@]}" \ --folder=/ap --recursive

# export objects from folder using relative path
./ export "${request_options[@]}" \ --folder=/ap/Agent --recursive --use-short-path

# export objects from folder, limiting object types and validity, feeding audit log
./ export "${request_options[@]}" \ --folder=/ap --recursive --type=WORKFLOW,JOBRESOURCE --no-invalid --audit-message="export to production"


Code Block
titleExamples for Importing Objects
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

# import objects
./ import "${request_options[@]}" \ --overwrite

# import objects to a new top-level folder and apply suffix
./ import "${request_options[@]}" \ --folder=/Version22 --suffix=v22

# revalidate objects from folder
./ revalidate "${request_options[@]}" \
    --folder=/Version22 --recursive


Code Block
titleExample for Exporting, Signing and Importing/Deploying for High Security Level
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

# export objects from folder for signing
./ export "${request_options[@]}" \ --folder=/myFolder --recursive --for-signing

# digitally sign objects
mkdir -p ./temp
rm -fr ./temp/*
unzip -d ./temp ./

./ sign \
    --directory=./temp --key=ecdsa.key --cert=ecdsa.crt --hash=sha512

rm -f ./
cd ./temp
zip -r ../ *
cd -

# import/deploy objects
./ import-deploy "${request_options[@]}" \


Code Block
titleExamples for Deploying and Revoking Objects
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

# deploy workflows and update daily plan
./ deploy "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/ap3jobs,/ap/apEnv --type=WORKFLOW --date-from=now

# deploy objects from folder recursively and update daily plan
./ deploy "${request_options[@]}" \
    --folder=/ap/Agent --recursive --date-from=now

# revoke workflows
./ revoke "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/ap3jobs,/ap/apEnv --type=WORKFLOW

# revoke objects from folder
./ revoke "${request_options[@]}" \
    --folder=/ap/Agent --recursive


Code Block
titleExamples for Releasing and Recalling Objects
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

 # release schedules and update daily plan
./ release "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/Agent/apAgentSchedule01,/ap/Agent/apAgentSchedule02 --type=SCHEDULE --date-from=now
# release objects from folder and update daily plan
./ release "${request_options[@]}" \
    --folder=/ap/Agent --recursive --date-from=now

# recall schedules
./ recall "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/Agent/apAgentSchedule01,/ap/Agent/apAgentSchedule02 --type=SCHEDULE

# recall objects from folder
./ recall "${request_options[@]}" \
    --folder=/ap/Agent --recursive


Code Block
titleExamples for Storing and Removing Objects
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

# store object
./ store "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/NewFolder01/NewWorkflow01 --type=WORKFLOW --file=NewWorkflow01.workflow.json

# remove object, update daily plan
./ remove "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/NewFolder01/NewWorkflow01 --type=WORKFLOW --date-from=now

# remove objects from folder, update daily plan
./ remove "${request_options[@]}" \
    --folder=/ap/NewFolder01 --date-from=now


Code Block
titleExamples for Restoring and Deleting Objects
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

# restore object from trash, using suffix for restored objectd
./ restore "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/NewFolder01/NewWorkflow01 --type=WORKFLOW --new-path=/ap/NewFolder01/NewWorkflow01 --suffix=restored

# delete object from trash
./ delete "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/NewFolder01/NewWorkflow01 --type=WORKFLOW

# delete objects from trash by folder
./ delete "${request_options[@]}" \


Code Block
titleExample for Encrypting and Decrypting
# create Private Key
openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -noout -out encrypt.key

# create Certificate Signing Request
openssl req -new -sha512 -nodes -key encrypt.key -out encrypt.csr -subj "/C=DE/ST=Berlin/L=Berlin/O=SOS/OU=IT/CN=Encrypt"

# create Certificate
openssl x509 -req -sha512 -days 1825 -signkey encrypt.key -in encrypt.csr -out encrypt.crt -extfile <(printf "keyUsage=critical,keyEncipherment,keyAgreement\n")

# encrypt a secret such as a password using the Certificate, the encryption result is returned that looks like: enc:BEXbHYa...
 ./ encrypt --in="root" --cert=encrypt.crt

# options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API can specify the encryption result as password and the Private Key for decryption
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password="enc:BEXbHYa..." --key=encrypt.key --controller-id=controller)

# for example, when exporting workflows the encrypted password and Private Key are used to decrypt the password on-the-fly for access to the REST API 
./ export "${request_options[@]}" --path=/ap/ap3jobs,/ap/Agent/apRunAsUser --type=WORKFLOW

# decrypt an encrypted secret using the Private Key
./ decrypt --in="enc:BEXbHYa..." --key=encrypt.key
