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  • terminate
    • Allows to terminate a Controller instance. If a Controller Cluster is used then no fail-over will occur as normal termination is not considered a failure situation.
    • Users When used with the active Controller instance in a Controller Cluster, users can apply the --switch-over switch to shift the active role in a Controller Cluster on termination of the active cluster member. After restart the Controller instance will take the standby role in a Controller Cluster.
    • In a Controller Cluster the command will terminate the Controller instance identified by its URL using the --controller-url option.
  • restart
    • Allows to restart a Controller instance. If a Controller Cluster is used then no fail-over will occur as normal termination is not considered a failure situation. Users can apply the The --switch-over switch can be used similarly to the terminate command.
    • In shift the active role in a Controller Cluster on termination of the active cluster member. After the command will restart the Controller instance will take the standby role in a Controller Clusteridentified by its URL using the --controller-url option.
  • cancel
    • Allows to cancel a Controller instance. The Controller will immediately disconnect from Agents, will not create a journal snapshot and will terminate. The command causes fail-over in a Controller Cluster
    • The command will cause fail-over in a Controller Cluster if used with the active Controller instance. After restart the Controller instance will take the standby role in a Controller Cluster.
    • In a Controller Cluster the command will cancel the Controller instance identified by its URL using the --controller-url option.
  • cancel-restart
    • The command combines the operations to cancel and to restart a Controller instance. The command causes fail
  • switch-over
    • The command allows to shift the active in a Controller Cluster.After restart the Controller instance will take the standby role in a Controller Cluster.  For switch-over
    • Allows to shift the active role in a Controller Clusterthe Primary and Secondary Controller instance must be coupled.
  • appoint-nodes
    • The command can be used in case that a Controller Cluster will not be coupled on initial operation.

    • The command is automatically sent by JOC Cockpit to Controller instances after restart.
  • confirm-loss
    • The command can be used in a situation when the active JOC Cockpit Cluster Watch was not available at the point in time of witness to failure of the active Controller Cluster member.
    • Users can confirm that the failed Controller Cluster member effectively is not running which allows the remaining Controller Cluster member to take the active role.
  • check
    • Tests the connection between JOC Cockpit and a Controller instance. The operation is available before Cockpit and a Controller is registeredinstance.
    • The --controller-url  option must be specified that is will be used from JOC Cockpit to connect to the Controller. 
  • enable-agent
    • Agents can be enabled after having been disabled, . Enabled Agents are considered for job execution.

  • disable-agent
    • When Agents are disabled, . they are not considered for job execution. Running jobs can continue until completion.
  • reset-agent
    • When an Agent is reset then the Agent will terminate and will restart. Job processes running in the Agent will be forcibly terminated and orders will be set to the failed state. When a forced reset is performed, then the operation forces an Agent to be reiniitalizedreinitialized, to drop its journal and to be dedicated to the current Controller. Users are recommended to double-check if an Agent is not dedicated to a different Controller before using the --force switch.

  • switch-over-agent
    • Users can Allows to switch-over the active role between Director Agents in an Agent Cluster. For switch-over the Primary and Secondary Director instance must be coupled.

  • confirm-loss-agent
    • The command can be used in a situation when the active Controller Cluster Watch was not available at the point in time of witness to failure of the active Director Agent in an Agent Cluster. Users can confirm that the failed Director Agent effectively is not running which allows the remaining Director Agent member to take the active role.

  • enable-subagent
    • Subagents can be enabled after having been disabled, . Enabled Subgents are considered for job execution.
  • disable-subagent
    • When Subgents are disabled, . they are not considered for job execution. Running jobs can continue until completion. 
  • reset-subagent
    • When a Subagent is reset then the Subagent will terminate and will restart. Job processes running in the Subagent will be forcibly terminated and orders will be set to the failed state. When a forced reset is performed, then the operation forces a Subagent to be reiniitalized reinitialized and to be dedicated to the current Agent Cluster. Users are recommended to double-check if a Subagent is not dedicated to a different Agent Cluster before using the --force switch.


  • -h | --help
    • Displays usage.
  • -v | --verbose
    • Displays verbose log output that includes requests and responses with the JS7 REST Web Service.
    • When used twice as with -v -v then curl verbose output will be displayed.
  • -p | --password
    • Asks the user for interactive keyboard input of the password used for the account specified with the --user option..
    • The switch is used for secure interactive input as an alternative to use of the option --password=<password>.
  • -s | --switch-over
    • Specifies for terminate and restart commands to switch the active role in a Controller Cluster.
  • -f | --force
    • When used with the reset-agent command for a Standalone Agent or Cluster Agent, and when used with the reset-subagent command for a Subagent, the option specifies that the Agent will terminate, will drop its journal and will restart. When resetting an Agent, job processes running in the Agent will be forcibly terminated and orders will be set to the failed state.
    • The operation forces an Agent to be reiniitalized reinitialized and to be dedicated to the current Controller or Agent Cluster in case of Subagents. Users are recommended to double-check that an Agent is not dedicated to a different Controller or Agent Cluster before using the switch.
  • --show-logs
    • Displays the log output created by the script if script if the --log-dir option is used.
  • --make-dirs
    • If directories are missing that are indicated with the --log-dir option then they will be created.


The confirm-loss command can be used in a situation when the active JOC Cockpit Cluster Watch was not available at the point in time witness of failure of the active Controller Cluster member.


When Agents are disabled, . they are not considered for job execution. 


For an Agent Cluster the reset-agent command is available. Enabling/disabling is performed at Suagent Subagent level.

When resetting an Agent Cluster then similar behavior applies as for Standalone Agents. Users should be aware that all Subagents in an Agent Cluster will be reset.


The confirm-loss-agent command can be used in a situation when the active Controller Cluster Watch was not available at the point in time of witness to failure of the active Director Agent in an Agent Cluster.


When Subagents in an Agent Cluster are disabled, . they are not considered for job execution. 
