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  • register
    • Allows registering a Controller. The command comes in two flavors:
      • register a Standalone Controller using the --primary-url option.
      • register a Controller Cluster using the --primary-url and --secondary-url options.
    • The URLs specify the protocol, host and optionally port by which the Controller instance can be accessed from JOC Cockpit, for example http://localhost:4444.
    • Controller instances are assigned a Controller ID on installation. When registering the Controller it will automatically use the given Controller ID.
  • unregister
    • Allows unregistering a Controller specifying the --controller-id option. Unregistering a Controller deletes the Controller and related Agents from the inventory
  • check
    • Tests the connection between JOC Cockpit and a Controller instance. The operation is available before a Controller is registered.
    • The --controller-url must be specified that is used from JOC Cockpit to connect to the Controller. 
  • store-agent
    • When Agents are stored, then they are added or updated in the inventory and are set to the not deployed status. The command comes in two flavors:

      • store Standalone Agent: requires to specify the --controller-id and --agent-id options that specify the unique identifier of an Agent. The Agent ID cannot be changed later on. The --agent-name option specifies the unique name of an Agent that can be changed later on. The --agent-url option specifies the protocol, host and optionally port by which the Agent can be accessed from the Controller..
      • store Agent Cluster: requires to specify the --controller-id, --agent-id and --agent-name options. An Agent Cluster includes a Primary and Secondary Director Agent. 
        • The Primary Director Agent is specified from the --primary-subagent-id and --primary-url options that are used similarly to above --agent-id and --agent-url options.
        • The Secondary Director Agent is specified from the --secondary-subagent-id and --secondary-url options that are used similarly to above --agent-id and --agent-url options.
    • The deploy-agent command can be used to deploy the Agent configuration.
  • delete-agent
    • When Agents are removeddeleted, then they will be deleted from the Controller and from the inventory.
    • Deletion of Agents will be denied by the Controller if we find deployed workflows that hold jobs assigned the Standalone Agent or related Subagent Cluster of an Agent Cluster. The JS7 - Unix Shell CLI for Workflow Deployment Operations offers commands to revoke related workflows.
    • The command is used with the --controller-id and --agent-id options to identify the related Agent.
  • deploy-agent
    • When Agents are deployed, then the Agent configuration will be made available to the Controller which connects to the related Agent. As a prerequisite for deployment the Agent must be up & running and must be reachable for the Controller to establish a connection. The same applies to Subagents that have been added to an Agent Cluster using the store-subagent command.
    • The command is used with the --controller-id and --agent-id options to identify the related Agent. For deployment of an Agent Cluster the --cluster switch must be used.
  • revoke-agent
    • When Agents are revoked then the Agent configuration is deleted from the Controller, but remains in place with the inventory and will be set to the not deployed status.
    • Revocation of Agents will be denied by the Controller if we find deployed workflows that hold jobs assigned the Standalone Agent or related Subagent Cluster of an Agent Cluster. The JS7 - Unix Shell CLI for Workflow Deployment Operations offers commands to revoke related workflows.
    • The command is used with the --controller-id and --agent-id options to identify the related Agent. For revocation of an Agent Cluster the --cluster switch must be used.
  • store-subagent
    • Subagents are used in an Agent Cluster acting as worker nodes to execute jobs. When Subagents are stored, then they are added or updated in the inventory and will be set to the not deployed status. Subagents are not deployed individually. Instead, they are deployed with the Agent Cluster using the deploy-agent command.
    • The command is used with the --controller-id and --agent-id options which identify the Agent Cluster. The --subagent-id and --subagent-url options specify the unique identifier of a Subagent and its URL.
  • delete-subagent
    • Subagents are deleted from the Agent Cluster and related Subagent Clusters. The operation deletes Subagents from the Agent Cluster and from the inventory.
    • The command is used with the --controller-id and --subagent-id options to identify the related Subagent.
  • store-cluster
    • Subagent Clusters implement clustering from the selection of the Subagents involved and from the scheduling mode being active-passive (fixed-priority) or active-active (round-robin).
    • To store a Subagent Cluster users specify the --controller-id and --agent-id options that identify the Agent Cluster. The --cluster-id option specifies the unique identifier of the cluster to be created. The --subagent-id option specifies one or more Subagents spearated by comma that are used in the cluster. For an active-passive cluster the first Subagent specified will execute the jobs and if it becomes unavailable then the next Subagent will be used.
    • The --priority option specifies an active-passive or active-active cluster. The option accepts one fo the values first (active-passive) or next (active-active). Default: first.
  • delete-cluster
    • The Subagent Cluster is deleted from the Agent Cluster and from the inventory. Subagents used in the Subagent Cluster are not deleted.
    • Deletion of a Subagent Cluster will be denied by the Controller if we find deployed workflows that hold jobs assigned the Subagent Cluster. The JS7 - Unix Shell CLI for Workflow Deployment Operations offers commands to revoke related workflows.
    • The command is used with the --controller-id and --cluster-id options to identify the Subagent Cluster.
  • deploy-cluster
    • The Subagent Cluster is made available to the Agent Cluster. A deployed Subagent Cluster can be used for assignment to jobs.
    • The command is used with the --controller-id and --cluster-id options to identify the Subagent Cluster.
  • revoke-cluster
    • The Subagent Cluster is deleted from the Agent Cluster but remains in place with the inventory and is set to the not deployed status.
    • Revocation of a Subagent Cluster will be denied by the Controller if we find deployed workflows that hold jobs assigned the Subagent Cluster. The JS7 - Unix Shell CLI for Workflow Deployment Operations offers commands to revoke related workflows.
    • The command is used with the --controller-id and --cluster-id options to identify the Subagent Cluster.
  • export-agent
    • Agent configurations can be exported to an archive file using the --file option. The archive file will be created in .zip or .tar.gz format using the --format option.

  • import-agent
    • For import of Agent configurations users can specify that existing Agent configurations with the same Agent IDs should be overwritten using the --overwrite switch.


When Agents are revoked, then they will be deleted from the Controller. The Agent configuration remains in place with the inventory and will be set to the not deployed status.

When Agents are removeddeleted, then they will be deleted from the Controller and from the inventory.
