Versions Compared


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register / unregister / check

Standalone Controller

Controller Cluster

store / delete

Standalone Agent

Agent Cluster

deploy / revoke
export / import
store / deleteSubagent
store / deleteSubagent Cluster
deploy / revoke

The script is offered for download and can be applied for frequently used deployment management operations:

  • The script is available for Linux and MacOS® using bash shell.
  • The script terminates with exit code 0 to signal successful execution, with exit code 1 for command line argument errors and with exit code 4 for non-recoverable errors. Exit code 3 signals that no matching objects have been found.
  • The script is intended as a baseline example for customization by JS7 users and by SOS within the scope of professional services. Examples make use of JS7 Release 2.7.2, bash 4.2, curl 7.29.0 and jq 1.6.0.


Code Block
Usage: [Command] [Options] [Switches]

    exportregister            --primary-fileurl [--format] --path --type [--useprimary-shortcluster-pathurl] [--start-folder]  [--forprimary-signingtitle] 
    ..                --file [--format] --folder [--recursivesecondary-url] [--type] [secondary-cluster-use-short-pathurl] [--forsecondary-signingtitle]]
    unregister         --controller-id
    check            [--no-draft] [--nocontroller-deployed]id [--no-released] [--no-invalid]controller-url
    import  export-agent          --file [--format] [--folder]controller-id --file [--overwriteformat] [--prefix] [--suffixagent-id]
    import-deployagent      --controller-fileid [--format]file [--folderformat] [--algorithmoverwrite]
    deploy store-agent           --path --typecontroller-id --agent-id --agent-name --agent-url [--title] [-date-fromalias] [--noprocess-draftlimit] [--no-deployedhide]
     ..                ---folder [--recursive]controller-id --agent-id --agent-name [--date-fromtitle] [--no-draftalias] [--noprocess-deployedlimit]
    revoke            --path --type
    ..   --primary-subagent-id   --primary-url   [--primary-title]
       --folder [--recursive]
    release           --pathsecondary-subagent-id --secondary-typeurl [--datesecondary-fromtitle]
    delete-agent ..     --controller-id --agent-id
    deploy-agent      --controller-folderid [--agent-recursive]id [--date-fromcluster]
    recallrevoke-agent            --path --type--controller-id --agent-id [--cluster]    --controller-id --agent-id --subagent-id --subagent-url [--title] [--role]
    delete-subagent   --foldercontroller-id [--subagent-recursive]id
    store-cluster     --controller-id --cluster-id --agent-id --subagent-id [--priority] [--title]
    delete-cluster    -path -controller-typeid --cluster-fileid
    removedeploy-cluster    --controller-id --cluster-id
    revoke-cluster    --path controller--typeid [--datecluster-from]id

  ..  --url=<url>              --folder [--date-from]
    restore     | required: JOC Cockpit URL
  --path --type --new-path [--prefix] [--suffix]
user=<account>          ..         | required: JOC Cockpit user account
  --folder --new-path [--prefix] [--suffix]
password=<password>     delete         | optional: JOC --path --typeCockpit password
    ..--ca-cert=<path>                --folder
    revalidate | optional: path to CA Certificate used --folder [--recursive]

  Options:for JOC Cockpit login
    --client-urlcert=<url><path>               | optional: path to Client Certificate used for login
 |  required: JOC Cockpit URL
 --client-key=<path>      --controller-id=<id[,id]>          | required: Controller IDoptional: path to Client Key used for login
    --usertimeout=<account>  <seconds>                 | requiredoptional: timeout JOCfor Cockpitrequest, userdefault: account60
    --password=<password>   controller-id=<id[,id]>           | optionalrequired: JOCController Cockpit passwordID
    --cacontroller-cert=<path>     url=<url>              | optional: pathController to CA Certificate used URL for JOCconnection Cockpit logintest
    --clientprimary-certurl=<path><url>                | optional: pathPrimary toController/Director Client Certificate used for loginAgent URL
    --primary-clientcluster-key=<path> url=<url>        | optional: Primary Controller Cluster URL
    --primary-title=<string>           | optional: pathPrimary toController/Director Client Key used for loginAgent title
    --primary-subagent-timeoutid=<seconds><id>         | optional: Primary Director Agent Subagent ID
 | optional: timeout for request, default: 60
 --secondary-url=<url>       --file=<path>       | optional: Secondary Controller/Director Agent URL
    --secondary-cluster-url=<url>      | optional: path to export file or import fileSecondary Controller Cluster URL
    --secondary-format=<ZIP|TAR_GZ>title=<string>              | optional: formatSecondary ofController/Director export file or import fileAgent title
    --secondary-folder=<folder[,folder]>  subagent-id=<id>       | optional: listSecondary ofDirector inventoryAgent foldersSubagent holding objectsID
    --start-folder=<folder>file=<path>                      | optional: startpath folderto forexport exportfile withor relativeimport pathsfile
    --path=<path[,path]>format=<ZIP|TAR_GZ>               | optional: listformat of inventoryexport file pathsor toimport objectsfile
    --agent-typeid=<type<id[,typeid]>               | optional: list of object types such as WORKFLOW,SCHEDDULEAgent IDs
    --newagent-pathname=<path>  <name>                | optional: new object path on restoreAgent name
    --agent-prefixurl=<string><url>                  | optional: prefix for duplicate objects on importAgent URL
    --suffixtitle=<string>                   | optional: suffixAgent fortitle duplicateor objectsSubagent onCluster importtitle
    --algorithm=<identifier>alias=<name[,name]>              | optional: signatureAgent algorithm for import, default: SHA512withECDSAalias name
    --dateprocess-from=<date>      limit=<number>           | optional: updateAgent dailymax. plannumber startof date for deploy/release operationparallel processes
    --audit-message=<string>role=<primary|secondary|no>      | optional: Subagent role acting | optional: audit log messageas Primary/Secondary Director Agent
    --auditsubagent-time-spent=<number>id=<id[,id]>        | optional: audit log time| spentoptional: inSubagent minutesID
    --auditsubagent-linkurl=<url>                 | optional: auditSubagent log linkURL
    --logcluster-dirid=<directory><id>              | optional: path to directory| holdingoptional: theSubagent script's log files

  Switches:Cluster ID
    --h | --help    priority=<first|next>            | optional: Subagent Cluster priority: active-passive, active-active
  | displays usage
 --audit-message=<string>    -v | --verbose     | optional: audit log message
    --audit-time-spent=<number>        | displaysoptional: verboseaudit output,log repeattime tospent increasein verbosityminutes
    -p | -audit-passwordlink=<url>                 | optional: audit | asks for passwordlog link
    -r | -log-recursivedir=<directory>              | optional: path to directory |holding specifiesthe foldersscript's to be looked up recursivelylog files

    -oh | --overwritehelp                      | overwrites objects| ondisplays importusage
    -sv | --for-signing verbose                | exports objects for digital signing
    -u | --use-short-path              | exports relative pathsdisplays verbose output, repeat to increase verbosity
    -p | -no-draft password                        | excludesasks draftfor objectspassword
    -o | -no-deployedoverwrite                   | overwrites objects |on excludesimport
 deployed objects
  -i | --no-releasedhide                        | excludeshides released objectsAgent
    -c | -no-invalidcluster                     | signals a |Cluster excludesAgent
 invalid objects
    --show-logs                        | shows log output if --log-dir is used
    --make-dirs                        | creates directories if they do not exist


