Versions Compared


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export / importAnyJS7 - Inventory Export and Import
import-deployDeployable objects such as WorfklowsJS7 - Secure Deployment of Scheduling Objects
deploy / revokeDeployable objects such as WorfklowsJS7 - Deployment of Scheduling Objects
release / recallReleaseble objects such as Schedules
store / removeAnyStore object to inventory / move objects to trash
restore / deleteAnyRestore / delete removed objects from trash

The script is offered for download and can be used as a command line interface for deployment operations:


Code Block
Usage: [Command] [Options] [Switches]

    export            --file [--format] --path --type
    export..                --file [--format] --folder [--recursive] [--type]
                     [--use-short-path] [--for-signing] [--no-draft] [--no-deployed] [--no-released] [--no-invalid]
    import            --file [--format] [--folder] [--overwrite] [--prefix] [--suffix]
    import-deploy     --file [--format] [--folder] [--algorithm]
    deploy            --path --type [--date-from] [--delete] [--no-draft] [--no-deployed]
    ..    deploy            --folder [--recursive] [--date-from] [--remove] [--no-draft] [--no-deployed]
     revoke release           --path --type
 [--date-from] [--remove]
  ..  release              --folder [--recursive] [--date-from]
    release           --path --type [--removedate-from]

  ..  --url=<url>              --folder [--recursive] [--date-from]
    recall    | required: JOC Cockpit URL
    --controller-id=<id>path --type
    ..           | required: Controller ID
   --folder [--user=<account>recursive]
    store               | required: JOC Cockpit user account
    --password=<password>--path --type --file
    remove          | optional: JOC Cockpit password
    --ca-cert=<path>--path --type [--date-from]
    ..               | optional: path to CA Certificate used for JOC Cockpit login
    --client-cert=<path>--folder [--date-from]
    restore           | optional: path to Client Certificate used for login
--path --type --new-path [--prefix] [--suffix]
    ..    --client-key=<path>                | optional: path to Client Key used for login
    --timeout=<seconds>   --folder --new-path [--prefix] [--suffix]
    delete            --path --type
    ..             | optional: timeout for request, default: 60--folder

    --fileurl=<path><url>                        | optionalrequired: pathJOC toCockpit exportURL
 file or import file
    --format=<ZIP|TAR_GZ> --controller-id=<id>               | optionalrequired: format of export file or import file
Controller ID
    --user=<account>          --folder=<folder[,folder]>         | optionalrequired: listJOC ofCockpit inventory folders holding objectsuser account
    --path=<path[,path]>password=<password>               | optional: listJOC of inventory paths to objectsCockpit password
    --ca-type=<type[,type]>cert=<path>                   | optional: list of object types such as path to CA Certificate used for JOC Cockpit login
    --client-cert=<path>               | optional: path to Client Certificate used for login
    --client-key=<path>                | optional: path  WORKFLOW,FILEORDERSOURCE,JOBRESOURCE,NOTICEBOARD,LOCKto Client Key used for login
    --prefixtimeout=<string> <seconds>                 | optional: prefixtimeout for duplicaterequest, objects on importdefault: 60
    --suffix=<string>file=<path>                      | optional: suffixpath forto duplicateexport objectsfile onor import file
    --date-from=<date>format=<ZIP|TAR_GZ>                 | optional: updateformat dailyof planexport startfile dateor for deploy/release operation
import file
     --time-zone=<tz> folder=<folder[,folder]>                  | optional: timelist zoneof forinventory dates,folders default: Europe/Berlinholding objects
    --path=<path[,path]>               | optional: list of inventory paths to objects
    --type=<type[,type]>               | optional: list of object types see as
    --audit-message=<string>           | optional: audit log message
    --audit-time-spent=<number>        | optional: audit log time spent in minutes
    --prefix=<string>                  | optional: audit log linkprefix for duplicate objects on import
    --log-dirsuffix=<directory><string>              | optional: path to directory| holdingoptional: thesuffix script'sfor logduplicate files

objects on Switches:import
    -h | -date-helpfrom=<date>                 | optional: update daily plan start date |for displaysdeploy/release usageoperation
    -v | -time-verbosezone=<tz>                     | displaysoptional: verbosetime output
zone for dates,  -p | --passworddefault: Europe/Berlin
                      | asks for password
    -r | --recursive                   | specifies folders to be looked up recursivelysee
    -o | -audit-overwritemessage=<string>           | optional: audit log message
    | overwrites objects on import
--audit-time-spent=<number>       -s | --for-signing      optional: audit log time spent in minutes
    --audit-link=<url>       | exports objects for digital signing
    -u | optional: audit log link
    --use-short-pathlog-dir=<directory>              | exports relative paths optional: path to directory holding the script's log files

    -h | -no-drafthelp                         | doesdisplays notusage
 process draft objects
  -v | --no-deployedverbose                      | doesdisplays not process deployed objectsverbose output, repeat to increase verbosity
    -p | -no-releasedpassword                      | doesasks notfor processpassword
 released objects
  -r | --no-invalidrecursive                   | specifies folders to |be doeslooked notup processrecursively
 invalid objects
  -o | --removeoverwrite                   | overwrites objects on import
    -s | removes deployed/released objects
    --show-logs--for-signing                 | exports objects for digital signing
    -u  | shows log output if --log-dir is used| --use-short-path              | exports relative paths
    --makeno-dirsdraft                         | does createsnot process directoriesdraft ifobjects
 they do not exist


 --no-deployed                      | does not process deployed objects
    --no-released                      | does not process released objects
    --no-invalid                       | does not process invalid objects
    --remove                           | removes deployed/released objects
    --show-logs                        | shows log output if --log-dir is used
    --make-dirs                        | creates directories if they do not exist


  • export
    • Allows to export scheduling objects such as workflows to an archive file in .zip or .tar.gz format. The command comes in two flavors:
      • export individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • export objects from folders using the --folder option and --recursive switch.
        • Optionally the object type is specified and otherwise all objects will be exported.
    • The archive file is specified from the --file and --format options.
  • import
    • Imports an archive file to the inventory.
    • Users can specify if existing objects will be overwritten or if duplicate objects from the import file will be assigned a prefix or suffix or will be ignored.
  • import-deploy
    • Imports an archive file to the inventory and deploys the included objects. The operation is applicable if JOC Cockpit is operated for the high security level.
      • As a prerequisite the archive file must have been exported using the --for-signing switch.
      • Workflows and Job Resources from the archive file have been digitally signed by the user. Signature files have been added to the archive file.
    • On import the objects in the archive file are deployed to related Controllers as specified during export.
  • deploy
    • Allows to deploy objects such as workflows. The command can be used in two flavors:
      • deploy individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • deploy objects from folders using the --folder option and --recursive switch.
    • Deletion of objects from a Controller is considered similar a deplyoment operation.
  • revoke
    • Allows to undeploy objects such as workflows. The command can be used in two flavors:
      • revoke individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • revoke objects from folders using the --folder option and --recursive switch.
    • Revoking objects deletes them from the Controller and Agents, objects remain in draft status in the inventory.
  • release
    • Allows to release objects such as schedules. The command can be used in two flavors:
      • release
    • Allows to export scheduling objects such as workflows to an archive file in .zip or .tar.gz format. The command comes in two flavors:
      • export individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • export release objects from folders using folders using the --folder option and --recursive switch.
      • Optionally the object type is specified and otherwise all objects will be exported.
    • The archive file is specified from the --file and --format options.
  • import
    • Imports an archive file to the inventory.
    • Users can specify if existing objects will be overwritten or if duplicate objects from the import file will be assigned a prefix or suffix or will be ignored.
  • import-deploy
    • Imports an archive file to the inventory and deploys the included objects. The operation is applicable if JOC Cockpit is operated for the high security level.
      • As a prerequisite the archive file must have been exported using the --for-signing switch.
      • Workflows and Job Resources from the archive file have been digitally signed by the user. Signature files have been added to the archive file.
    • On import the objects in the archive file are deployed to related Controllers as specified during export.
  • deploy
    • Allows to deploy objects such as workflows. The command can be used in two flavors:
      • deploy individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • deploy objects from folders using the --folder option and --recursive switch.
    • Deletion of objects from a Controller is considered similar a deplyoment operation.
    • Revocation of objects is considered similar to a release operation.
  • recall
    • Allows to unrelease objects such as schedules. The command can be used in two flavors:
      • revoke individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • revoke objects from folders using the --folder option and --recursive switch.
    • Recalling objects deactivates them from further use, objects remain in draft status in the inventory.
  • store
    • Allows to store an object such as a workflow from a file to the inventory.
      • The --file option specifies the file that holds the JSON representation of an object.
      • The --type option specifies the object type. 
      • The --path option specifies the folders and object name of the objects inventory location.
    • Objects are stored to the inventory in draft status and can deployed or released using the related commands.
  • remove
    • Allows to remove an object such as a workflow from the inventory
    • Allows to release objects such as schedules. The command can be used in two flavors:
      • release remove individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • release remove objects from folders recursively using the --folder option and --recursive switch.
    • Revocation of objects is considered similar to a release operationRemoving objects moves them to the trash from which they can be deleted or restored.


  • --url
  • --user
    • Specifies the user account for login to JOC Cockpit. If JS7 - Identity Services are available for Client authentication certificates that are specified with the --client-cert and --client-key options then their common name (CN) attribute has to match the user account.
    • If a user account is specified then a password can be specified using the --password option or interactive keyboard input can be prompted using the -p switch.
  • --password
    • Specifies the password used for the account specified with the --user option for login to JOC Cockpit.
    • Consider use of the -p switch offering a secure option for interactive keyboard input.
  • --controller-id
    • Specifies the identification of the Controller that holds related orders.
    • More than one Controller ID can be specified, separated by comma, for the export operation when using the --for-signing switch.
  • --ca-cert
    • Specifies the path to a file in PEM format that holds the Root CA Certificate and optionally Intermediate CA Certificates to verify HTTPS connections to JOC Cockpit.
  • --client-cert
    • Specifies the path to a file in PEM format that holds the Client Certificate if HTTPS mutual authentication is used..
  • --client-key
    • Specifies the path to a file in PEM format that holds the Client Private Key if HTTPS mutual authentication is used..
  • --timeout
    • Specifies the maximum duration for requests to the JS7 REST Web Service. Default: 60 seconds.
  • --file
    • Specifies the location of an archive file that is used with export, import and import-deploy operations.
    • On export an existing archive file will be overwritten.
  • --format
    • Specifies the format of the archive file indicated with the --file option.
    • The format can be one of ZIP or TAR_GZ. Default: ZIP. The JS7 can process archive files in .zip format on Unix.
  • --folder
    • Specifies the inventory folder used for the related operation.
      • Folder specification starts from a / followed by a hierarchy of sub-folders.
      • More than one folder can be specified using comma as in --folder=/ProductDemo/AgentCluster,/ProductDemo/ScheduledExecution.
    • When used with the import and import-deploy operations, a single folder can be specified that is prepended the folders included with the archive file.
  • --path
    • Specifies the path of an object such as a workflow, job resource, schedule. A path starts from a /, optionally followed by a hierarchy of sub-folders, and the object name.
    • Objects are identified from thier path and object type.
  • --type
    • Specifies the object type such as a workflow that is indicated together with the --path option to identify an object.
    • When used with the export operation for folders then more than one type can be specified separated by comma, for example --type=WORKFLOW,JOBRESOURCE
  • --prefix
    • When used with the import operation, a prefix can be specified that is prepended all objects that are imported.
    • If an object with the same name and prefix exists, then the object will not be imported.
  • --suffix
    • When used with the import operation, a suffix can be specified that is appended all objects that are imported.
    • If an object with the same name and suffix exists, then the object will not be imported.
  • --date-from
    • Specifies the date starting from which the Daily Plan will be updated:
      • The --date-from=now value specifies that the Daily Plan will be updated for orders starting from now.
      • The Daily Plan date in ISO date format can be specified, for example --date-from=2023-10-23.
      • If omitted then the Daily Plan will not be updated.
    • Orders in the Daily Plan can be updated if the underlying workflow or schedule is changed.
  • --audit-message
    • Specifies a message that is made available for the Audit Log.
    • Specification of Audit Log messages can be enforced on a per user basis and for a JS7 environment.
  • --audit-time-spent
    • Specifies the time spent to perform an operation which is added to the Audit Log.
    • The option can be specified if the --audit-message option is used.
  • --audit-link
    • Specifies a link (URL) which is added to the Audit Log.
    • The option can be specified if the --audit-message option is used.
  • --log-dir
    • If a log directory is specified then the script will log information about processing steps to a log file in this directory.
    • File names are created according to the pattern: deploy-workflow.<yyyy>-<MM>-<dd>T<hh>-<mm>-<ss>.log
    • For example: deploy-workflow.2022-03-19T20-50-45.log


  • -h | --help
    • Displays usage.
  • -v | --verbose
    • Displays verbose log output that includes requests and responses with the JS7 REST Web Service.
    • When used twice as with -v -v then curl verbose output will be displayed.
  • -p | --password
    • Asks the user for interactive keyboard input of the password used for the account specified with the --user option..
    • The switch is used for secure interactive input as an alternative to use of the option --password=<password>.
  • -r | --recursive
    • Specifies that folders will be looked up recursively if the --folder option is used.
  • -d | --delete
    • Specifies that objects should be deleted from the inventory.
    • Deployable objects will be revoked from the Controller. Releasable objects will be recalled.
  • -o | --overwrite
    • Specifies that objects with the same name and type will be overwritten when used with the import operation.
  • -s | --for-signing
    • Specifies that objects are exported for digital signing when used with the export operation. For JS7 environments operated for the high security level digitally signed objects can be imported using the import-deploy operation.
  • -u | --use-short-path
    • Specifies that relative object paths will be applied to the archive file when used with the export operation.
    • An object path /a/b/c/workflow will be added as /c/workflow to the archive file. A folder /a/b/c will be added as /c to the archive file.
  • --no-draft
    • Specifies that no draft objects will be processed when used with the export and deploy operations.
  • --no-deployed
    • Specifies that no objects in deployed status will be processed when used with the export and deploy operations.
  • --no-released
    • Specifies that no objects in released status will be processed when used with the export operation.
  • --no-invalid
    • Specifies that only valid objects will be processed when used with the export operation.
  • --show-logs
    • Displays the log output created by the script if the --log-dir option is used.
  • --make-dirs
    • If directories are missing that are indicated with the --log-dir option then they will be created.
