Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The JS7 offers to perform any operation on orders, workflows, jobs and related objects by the JS7 - REST Web Service API.
  • The REST Web Service API can be accessed from Shell utilities such as curl.
  • In addition, a PowerShell module is available for simplified access to the REST Web Service API. This is described in the JS7 - PowerShell Module article.

The script introduced in this article Unix Shell CLI can be used to perform frequently used status operations on workflows, jobs and orders. For details see :

add / cancelorder

JS7 - Workflows - Status Operations on



suspend / resume
let run
suspend / resumeworkflow

JS7 - Workflows - Status Operations on





skip / unskip

Workflow Operation Script


  • -h | --help
    • Displays usage.
  • -v | --verbose
    • Displays verbose log output that includes requests and responses with the JS7 REST Web Service.
  • -p | --password
    • Asks the user for interactive keyboard input of the password used for the account specified with the --user option..
    • The switch is used for secure interactive input as an alternative to use of the option --password=<password>.
  • -r | --recursive
    • Specifies that folders will be looked up recursively if the --folders option is used.
  • -f | --force
  • --show-logs
    • Displays the log output created by the script if the --log-dir option is used.
  • --make-dirs
    • If directories are missing that are indicated with the --log-dir option then they will be created.

Exit Codes

  • 0: cancellation of orders successfully initiated status operation successful
  • 1: argument errors
  • 3: no objects found
  • 4: JS7 REST Web Service is not reachable or reports errors
