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Code Block
Usage: [Command] [Options] [Switches]

    add-order         --workflow  [--date-to] [--order-name] [--block-position] [--start-position] [--end-position] [--variable] [--force]
    cancel-order     [--workflow] [--folder] [--recursive] [--order-id] [--state] [--date-from] [--date-to] [--time-zone] [--force]
    suspend-order    [--workflow] [--folder] [--recursive] [--order-id] [--state] [--date-from] [--date-to] [--time-zone] [--force]
    resume-order     [--workflow] [--folder] [--recursive] [--order-id] [--state] [--label] [--variable]
    letrun-order     [--workflow] [--folder] [--recursive] [--order-id] [--state]
    transfer-order    --workflow] [--folder] [--recursive]
    suspend-workflow  --workflow  [--folder] [--recursive]
    resume-workflow   --workflow  [--folder] [--recursive]
    stop-job          --workflow   --label
    unstop-job        --workflow   --label
    skip-job          --workflow   --label
    unskip-job        --workflow   --label
    post-notice       --notice-board  [--notice-id] [--notice-lifetime]
    get-notice       [--notice-board] [--notice-id] [--folder] [--recursive] [--date-to]
    delete-notice    [--notice-board] [--notice-id] [--folder] [--recursive] [--date-to]

    --url=<url>                        | required: JOC Cockpit URL
    --controller-id=<id>               | required: Controller ID
    --user=<account>                   | required: JOC Cockpit user account
    --password=<password>              | optional: JOC Cockpit password
    --ca-cert=<path>                   | optional: path to CA Certificate used for JOC Cockpit login
    --client-cert=<path>               | optional: path to Client Certificate used for login
    --client-key=<path>                | optional: path to Client Key used for login
    --timeout=<seconds>                | optional: timeout for request, default: 15
    --order-name=<string>              | optional: name for order, default: <current user>
    --block-position=<label>           | optional: label for block instruction that hold start position
    --start-position=<label>           | optional: label from which the order will be added
    --end-position=<label[,label]>     | optional: list of labels before which the order will terminate
    --variable=<key=value[,key=value]> | optional: list of variables holding key/value pairs
    --date-from=<date>                 | optional: order past scheduled date
    --date-to=<date>                   | optional: order future scheduled date, default: now
    --time-zone=<tz>                   | optional: time zone for the given date, default: Europe/Berlin
    --state=<state[,state]>            | optional: list of states limiting orders to be processed such as
                                                   SCHEDULED, INPROGRESS, RUNNING, SUSPENDED, WAITING, FAILED
    --folder=<path[,path]>             | optional: list of folders holding workflows or orders to be processed
    --workflow=<name[,name]>           | optional: list of workflow names
    --order-id=<id[,id]>               | optional: list of order identifiers
    --label=<label[,label]>            | optional: list of labels for related jobs
    --notice-board=<name[,name]>       | optional: list of notice boards
    --notice-id=<id>                   | optional: notice identifier, default: <current date>
    --notice-lifetime=<period>         | optional: lifetime for notice
    --log-dir=<directory>              | optional: path to the directory holding the script's log files

    -h | --help                        | displays usage
    -v | --verbose                     | displays verbose output
    -p | --password                    | asks for password
    -r | --recursive                   | specifies folders to be looked up recursively
    -f | --force                       | specifies forced start or termination of jobs
    --show-logs                        | shows log output if --log-dir is used
    --make-dirs                        | creates directories if they do not exist 
