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titleExample how to create self-signed Certificate
# Specify key name used for file names

# Create Certificate
openssl x509 -req -days 3652 \
    -signkey "${key_name}".key \
    -in "${key_name}".csr \
    -out "${key_name}".crt \
    -extfile <(printf "basicConstraints=CA:FALSE\nkeyUsagekeyUsage=critical,nonRepudiation,digitalSignature\nextendedKeyUsage=critical,codeSigning\n")


Steps include to create the signing-ca.crt self CA-signed Certificate file in PEM format.

Users can run the following commands from the shell and replace the value of the ca_key_name environment variable with a name of their choice that is used when creating related files.


  • Explanations are similar to Creating self-signed Certificates with a few exceptions.
  • The -days option specifying the validity period of the CA Certificate should be longer than the validity period of individual certificates.
  • The -extfile option specifies the Basic Constraint CA:TRUE which is required for a CA Certificate. Key Usage is limited to signing certificates.
  • The following files will be created with this step:
    • The signing-ca.crt file will hold the CA Certificate.


  • Explanations are similar to Creating self-signed Certificates with a few exceptions:
    • The -days option specifying the validity period of the Signing Certificate should be shorter than the validity period of the CA Certificate.
    • The -in option specifies the location of the Certificate Signing Request.
    • The -CA option specifies the location of the CA Certificate file.
    • The -CAkey option specifies the location of the CA Private Key file.
    • The -extfile option specifies the Key Usage being limited to code signing.
  • The following files will be created with this step:
    • The signing.crt file will hold the Signing Certificate..
