- ssl_access_log
- ssl_error_log
- ssl_request_log
Logs in JobScheduer Master
All you will see in the JobScheduler logs is either in the order logs (under Order History) when starting an order for a job chain or in the task logs when starting a standalone job. Possible messages are described below.
[ WARN ] SCHEDULER-489 No remote JobScheduler is accessible. Waiting before trying again
If a warning like this is thrown in the order log:
Code Block |
[WARN] (Task xxx/job1:147691) SCHEDULER-489 No remote JobScheduler is accessible. Waiting before trying again
[WARN] (Task xxx/job1:147691) SCHEDULER-488 This remote JobScheduler 'Agent(0,,None)' is not accessible: spray.can.Http$ConnectionException: Aborted |
Please check which HTTP error is thrown in the logs under /var/log/httpd
- ssl_access_log
- ssl_error_log
- ssl_request_log
Info |
In this case you might get a HTTP error 408 - request timeout, which means, that the connection from Master to the Proxy has been established, but the redirection from the proxy to the agent can not be done. |
[ERROR] Z-JAVA-105 Java exception spray.httpx.UnsuccessfulResponseException: Status: 503 Service Unavailable
If an error like this is thrown in the order log:
Code Block |
[ERROR] (xxx/job1:147694) Z-JAVA-105 Java exception spray.httpx.UnsuccessfulResponseException: Status: 503 Service Unavailable
[ERROR] (xxx/job1:147694) Body: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
[ERROR] (xxx/job1:147694) <html><head>
[ERROR] (xxx/job1:147694) <title>503 Service Unavailable</title>
[ERROR] (xxx/job1:147694) </head><body>
[ERROR] (xxx/job1:147694) <h1>Service Unavailable</h1>
[ERROR] (xxx/job1:147694) <p>The server is temporarily unable to service your
[ERROR] (xxx/job1:147694) request due to maintenance downtime or capacity
[ERROR] (xxx/job1:147694) problems. Please try again later.</p>
[ERROR] (xxx/job1:147694) </body></html>, method=CallObjectMethodA [] |
Please check which HTTP error is thrown in the logs under /var/log/httpd
- ssl_access_log
- ssl_error_log
- ssl_request_log
If you get the following error in the ssl_error_log:
Code Block |
[proxy:error] (13)Permission denied: proxy: AJP: attempt to connect to 10.x.x.x:7009 (virtualhost.virtualdomain.com) failed |
You need then to change a system configuration as described in the following article: http://sysadminsjourney.com/content/2010/02/01/apache-modproxy-error-13permission-denied-error-rhel/