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JS7 - Log Management is offered with JOC Cockpit acting as a for central point of view for monitoring of log output created by JS7 productsreceipt of warnings and errors created from log output of Controllers and Agents.

  • Service
  • Clients
    • Controller and Agents can act as clients to the Log Notification Service. The products can be configured to report warnings and errors to the Log Notification Service.
    • Users have a choice to enable forwarding of warnings and errors during installation or later on by adjusting the Log4j configuration.
  • User Interface
    • The JOC Cockpit offers notifications from the JS7 - Monitor view.

Display feature availability


Code Block
titleExample for Controller log4j2.xml Configuration
    <Syslog name="RFC5424LogNotificationAppender" format="RFC5424" host="localhostjoc-2-0-primary" port="4514"4245" protocol="UDP">
        <ThresholdFilter    protocollevel="UDP" charset="UTF-8" facility="LOCAL0" newLine="false"WARN"/>
        <PatternLayout charset="UTF-8" pattern="<134>1 %d{ISO8601yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS}{ETCEtc/UTC}Z ${hostName} JS7 Controller {


  • <Syslog>: The XML element holds the required configuration. The following attributes are available:
    • name: users a free to choose a name for the Syslog Appender.
    • format: The value RFC5424 is required.
    • host: The hostname or IP address of JOC Cockpit operating the Log Notification Service.
    • port: The port to which the  Log Notificatio Service listens.
    • protocol: The value UDP is required.
    • charset: The value UTF-8 is required.
    • facility: The value LOCAL0 is required
    • newLine: The value false is required.
  • <PatternLayout>: The XML element specifies the pattern used to send messages. The pattern must not be changed.


Code Block
titleExample for Agent log4j2.xml Configuration
    <Syslog name="RFC5424LogNotificationAppender" format="RFC5424" host="localhostjoc-2-0-primary" port="4245" protocol="4514UDP">
        <ThresholdFilter    protocollevel="UDP" charset="UTF-8" facility="LOCAL0" newLine="false"WARN"/>
        <PatternLayout charset="UTF-8" pattern="<134>1 %d{ISO8601yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS}{ETCEtc/UTC}Z ${hostName} JS7 ControllerAgent {
