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  • Jobs are executed with JS7 Agents which handle termination of jobs.
    • Shell Jobs and JVM Jobs are under control of the Agent which terminates running jobs.
    • Jobs implementing use of an SSH Client cannot guarantee that a job's child processes are terminated as they are controlled by the remote SSHD server. The JS7 - JITL SSHJob provides the means to reliably kill child processes.
  • Termination of jobs can be caused by users from the JOC Cockpit and can be performed automatically if jobs exceed a given timeout.
    • As a prerequisite for termination by the JOC Cockpit, the Controller has to be connected to the JOC Cockpit and the Agent has to be accessible to the Controller.

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Termination of Jobs

Jobs can be terminated in one of the following ways:

  • The job is configured with a timeout setting: if job execution exceeds the timeout then the job will be killed terminated by the Agent.
  • Jobs can be killed terminated using the GUI operation and by use of the the JS7 - REST Web Service API:
    • The Cancel/Kill operation kills terminates a running job and fails the order.
    • The Suspend/Kill operation kills terminates a running job and suspends the order.
    • Failed and suspended orders can be resumed.

Terminating Jobs on Unix

In Unix environments, jobs receive the following signals from the Agent:

  • When a job is to be killed terminated then the Agent first sends a SIGTERM signal.
    • This signal can be ignored or it can be handled by a job script. For shell jobs a trap can be defined to, for example, perform cleanup tasks such as disconnecting from a database or removing temporary files.
    • Note that this applies to job scripts that directly include shell code. If instead the job script includes calls to external shell scripts or programs then the Agent's SIGTERM signal is not forwarded to child processes running for external scripts or programs. To prevent this situation external shell scripts or programs should can be called like this:
      • exec /tmp/
      • The exec command causes any external scripts or programs to be executed with the process of the current job script (instead of creating a new child process) and guarantees that the SIGTERM signal is received by the process.
  • The job configuration includes the Grace timeoutTimeout setting:
    • The Grace Timeout duration is applied after a SIGTERM signal (corresponding to kill -15) has been sent by the Agent. This allows the job to terminate on its own, for example after some cleanup has been performed.
  • Should the job still be running after the specified Grace Timeout duration then the Agent will send a SIGKILL signal (corresponding to kill -9) that aborts kills the OS process.
  • Note that it is essential for job scripts that create child processes not to terminate on receipt of a SIGTERM signal before child processes are terminated. 
    • Job scripts can use the wait command to wait for completion of child processes as this command prevents termination of the job script on receipt of SIGTERM.
    • Job scripts including any child processes will then be reliably killed by SIGKILL after the specified Grace Timeout.


Job scripts frequently spawn child processes that have to be killed in line with their parent process.

By default the OS


kills child processes if the parent process is killed. However, this mechanism is not applicable for all situations, depending on the way child processes have been spawned.

Terminating Child Processes starting from Release 2.7.2

  • When terminating a job process, the Agent performs the following steps:
    • collect chld process PIDs of job process,
    • send SIGTERM to job process,
    • wait for one of the following events, whichever arrives first:
      • wait for Grace Timeout configured with the job,
      • wait for stdout/stderr to be released by the job process.
    • send SIGKILL to job process if Grace Timeout is exceeded,
    • send SIGTERM to child processes for which PIDs have previously been collected; send SIGTERM recursively to child processes of a child process,
    • wait for 50% of the duration of the Grace Timeout or for 1s whichever is the higher value,
    • send SIGKILL signal to remaining child processes recursively.
  • The Agent makes use of Java for process management.

Terminating Child Processes starting from Release 2.1.1

  • In order to more reliably kill child processes the Agent uses the script from its var_<port>/work directory.
    • This script identifies the process tree created by the job script and kills any available child processes.
    • Download:
  • Though the Agent is platform independent it is evident that retrieval of a process tree does not necessarily use the same command (ps) and options for all Unixes.
    • The Agent therefore allows specification of an individual kill script from a command line option if the built-in script is not applicable to your Unix platform, see JS7 - Agent Operation.


Code Block
titleExample for concise use of traps for script termination
#!/usr/bin/env bash

trap "wait && exit 143" TERM # 128+15+128
trap "rc=$? && wait && exit $?" EXIT


  • The trap and the trap function are added to a Script Include like this:

  • The Script Include is embedded into any Shell Job scripts from a single line similar to a shebang:

Terminating Jobs on Windows


Windows environments do not know about termination signals.

When terminating a process then it will be killed immediately.

Terminating Child Processes starting from Release 2.7.2

  • When terminating a job process, the Agent performs the following steps:
    • collect chld process PIDs of job process,
    • kill job process and any child processes.
  • The Agent drops use of the kill_task.cmd script. Instead, Java is used for process management.

Terminating Child Processes starting from Release 2.1.1

  • The Agent uses the kill_task.cmd script which is available from its var_<port>/work directory.
    • The script uses the taskkill command to kill the job's process and its children.
    • Download: kill_task.cmd
  • An individual kill script can be specified with a command line option on Agent startup, see JS7 - Agent Operation.
