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  • Centrally managing Certificates/Public Keys.
  • Providing JS7 - Job Resources that hold the related Certificate/Public Key. Such Job Resources can be assigned workflows and jobs that should decrypt secrets.


Encrypting Workflow Variables

A workflow can be assigned variables that can hold encrypted values.


  • The encrypted_variable workflow variable can hold an encrypted value.
  • For encryption users can use click the icon that invokes the following popup window:

    • The first input field accepts the plain text value for the related variable.
    • Users can select a Certificate
    • Hitting the Submit button will encrypt the plain text value and will assign the variable the encrypted value that looks like this:
      • enc:BGlzj4sQ5ea0D6UdZTOP0oF0hkKN9Ca1ecMeQfi8y4cEx/rweM9MpNquU2q5lint0lY6yvoYspLhlV7rhKIAEooFh2Ohca0wBZ4InjvrAI0r0xGa/fmpxCKgfuzNHBqZdsoTVQo= OD6HmuRRmpLKPLYN5urJlw== dQH6taVBtH2jaX4+ig+5ig==
      • The enc: prefix indicates an encrypted value that holds the following parts separated by spaces:
        • encrypted symmetric key,
        • initialization vector,
        • encrypted secret.
    • When selecting a Certificate, then the Use of Certificate by Agents link can be used to check which Agents are assigned the Certificate. Users should consider that the Agent assigned the job that needs to decrypt the variable's value has to be assigned the Certificate used for encryption. In addition, the Agent must have access to the matching Private Key.

Encrypting Job Variables

Job variables include Environment Variables used for Shell jobs and Arguments used for JVM jobs.

Values for such variables can be encrypted from the Properties Editor of a job like this:

Image Added

Clicking the Image Added icon invokes a popup window for encryption as explained with chapter Encrypting Workflow Variables.

Encrypting Order Variables

Order variables can be encypted in the following places:

Encrypting Order Variables from Schedules

Encrypting Order Variables from Ad hoc Orders


Decryption can be performed from Shell jobs and vom JS7 - JITL Job Templates.

Decrypting from Shell Jobs

Decrypting from JITL Jobs