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This job is used to execute commands, programs and/or shell-scripts on a remote server by SSH.


How to use OpenSSH with JobScheduler

All related programs in JobScheduler use an implementation of Trilead on the client site. This requires to take some things into account.

Trilead requires a SSH protocol with at least version 3. All other versions are not supported.SSH is a registered trademark of SSH Communications Security Corp in the United States and in certain other jurisdictions.other jurisdictions.

SSH Client Implementation

The JobScheduler JITL SSH job uses either an SSH implementation from Trilead or, starting with JobScheduler version 1.9, an implementation of JCraft's JSch.

JSch is the default implementation for the JITL SSH job from JobScheduler version 1.10 onwards and the Trilead SSH implementation will no longer be supported from version 1.12.

The JCraft's JSch implementation allows the features of the JITL SSH job to be extended as described in the How To - Usage of the SSH Job (JobSchedulerSSHJob) with JCraft's JSch article.

This article describes the general usage of the JITL SSH job and should be read before the JCraft JSch article.


Authentication Methods

UserID and Password

This is the easiest and most popular method way to authenticate a user. The user ID and a password is sent to the SSH server. Best of all, the The password is encrypted before sending it to the server and decrypted at the server side. but, at the end, it is a password and if someone is able to decrypt he has opened the door to the server.

Note that the password authentication must be enabled in the SSH configuration file:

Code Block
PasswordAuthentication yes

Public and private Key

Passphrase: What it is and how to handle it

A passphrase is an additional protection of the key files, like a password. Every time you want to access a server by a passphrase protected key you have to enter the value of the passphrase as an additional authentication.

Note that the publickey authentication must be enabled in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config SSH configuration file:

PasswordAuthentication PublickeyAuthentication yes

In addition, the private SSH-Key must be in OpenSSH-Format.

Creating the public and private key

First we generate the key with ssh-keygen.


If you want to use the private key in putty as well you have to convert the private key to the openSSH-format. This can be done with puTTYgen as well.

Moving the public key to the remote server

To be able to log in to remote systems using a pair of keys, you first have to add the public key on the remote server to the authorized_keys file in the .ssh/ directory in the home directory on the remote machine.


How to handle StdErr and ExitCode

The job knows some parameters to handle the stderr and the exit code. These are:


If you use the job in a job chain then you can use these parameters in a next job of the job chain to handle the result.


Name/ Title

JobSchedulerSSHJob  Launch commands or executable files by SSH


  • Language: java
  • Name of Java Class: sos.scheduler.job.SOSSSHJob2JSAdapter




The value of this parameter specifies the path and name of a user's private key file used for authorisation on an SSH server.

This parameter must be specified if the publickey authorization method has been specified in the auth_method parameter.

Should the private key file be secured by a password, then this must be specified using the password parameter.

 auth_method[optional]  publickey

This parameter specifies a command that is to be executed on the SSH server. Multiple commands can be separated by the command delimiter that is specified using the command_delimiter parameter.

DataType: SOSOptionCommandString

 command_delimiter[required] %%

This parameter can be used as an alternative to command, command_delimiter and command_script_file. It contains scriptcode which will be transferred to the remote host as a file and will then be executed there. The script can access job and order parameters by environment variables. The names are in upper case and have "SCHEDULER_PARAM_" as a prefix.

Order parameters with the same name overwrite task parameters.

DataType: SOSOptionString


Script file name to Execute

The value of this parameter contains the file-name (and path-name, if needed) of a local (script-)file, which will be transferred to the remote host and will then be executed there. The script can access job- and order-parameters by environment variables. The names of the environment variables are in upper case and have the string "SCHEDULER_PARAM_" as a prefix.

Order parameters with the same name overwrite task parameters.

This parameter can be used as an alternative to command, command_delimiter and command_script.

---- examples ----

               example: usage of parameter command_script_file

<job  title="SSH example job" order="no">

    <description >

        <include  file="jobs/SOSSSHJob2JSAdapter.xml"/>


    <params >

        <param  name="host" value="wilma.sos"/>

        <param  name="port" value="22"/>

        <param  name="user" value="test"/>

        <param  name="password" value="*****"/>

        <param  name="auth_method" value="password"/>

        <param  name="command_script_file" value="c:/temp/"/>


    <script  language="java" java_class="sos.scheduler.job.SOSSSHJob2JSAdapter"/>

    <run_time />


<job  title="SSH example job" order="no">

    <description >

        <include  file="jobs/SOSSSHJob2JSAdapter.xml"/>


    <params >

        <param  name="host" value="wilma.sos"/>

        <param  name="port" value="22"/>

        <param  name="user" value="test"/>

        <param  name="password" value="*****"/>

        <param  name="auth_method" value="password"/>

        <param  name="command_script_file" value="c:/temp/"/>


    <script  language="java" java_class="sos.scheduler.job.SOSSSHJob2JSAdapter"/>

    <run_time />


Die Parameter des SSH-Jobs sind in diesem Beispiel innerhalb des params-tags spezifiziert. Dabei ist für das auszuführende Skript ein Name einer Datei im lokalen Filesystem angegeben. Diese wird, falls vorhanden, zunächst auf den SSH-Host kopiert und dann dort ausgeführt.

DataType: SOSOptionInFileName


This parameter contains a parameter string, which will be appended when calling the command_script or the command_script_file.



This parameter specifies the hostname (e.g. wilma.sos) or IP address (e.g. IPv4 of the (FTP, SFTP, SSH, SMTP,  etc.) server to which a connection has to be made.

DataType: SOSOptionHostName

Alias: HostName


Port-Number to be used for Data-Transfer

Port by which files should be transferred. For FTP this is usually port 21, for SFTP this is usually port 22.

DataType: SOSOptionPortNumber


Should the value true be specified, then execution errors caused by commands on the SSH server are ignored. Otherwise such execution errors for jobs and orders are reported by the Job Scheduler.


This parameter configures one or more exit codes which will not be treated as errors. Multiple exit codes can be defined comma separated or using ranges. Examples:






With this parameter the behavior of the remote running job (Script, executable) will be influenced. If the job is killed by the JS-Operations-GUI, the running job will continue if the value of this parameter is set to true. and
DataType: SOSOptionBoolean


Should the value true be specified, then on Unix systems all signals will be ignored that terminate the execution of a command on the SSH server - if for example a command is terminated using kill.

Note that by default the Job Scheduler reports errors for commands that are terminated by signals.


This job checks if any output to stderr has been created by a command that is being executed on the SSH server and reports this as an error.

Should the value true be specified for this parameter, then output to stderr will not be reported as an error by the Job Scheduler.


If any output to stderr has been created or the exit code is unequal 0 then the job usually throws an exception. Whenever the job throws an exception then its task ends with the exit code 1. If the job is started by an order and an exception is thrown then the order goes to the error node of the job chain.

Should this value false be specified, then it prevents an exception is thrown, the task has the exit code of the command that is being executed on the SSH server and an order goes to the next node of the job chain.


Password for UserID

Password for authentication at the FTP/SFTP server.

For SSH/SFTP connections that make use of public/private key authentication the password parameter is specified for the passphrase that optionally secures a private key.

DataType: SOSOptionPassword


The value of this parameter is the host name or the IP address of a proxy used to create the connection to the SSH server. The use of a proxy is optional.


This parameter specifies the password for the proxy server user account, should a proxy be used to connect to the SSH server.


This parameter specifies the port number of the proxy, should a proxy be used to create the connection to the SSH server.


The value of this parameter specifies the user account for authorization by the proxy server should a proxy be used to connect to the SSH server.


Should the value true be specified for this parameter, then a login to a shell is simulated to execute commands. Some scripts may cause problems if no shell is present.

The parameter simulate_shell_prompt_trigger must be specified if this parameter is used.


If no new characters are written to stdout or stderr after the given number of milliseconds, the job assumes that that the command has been carried out and the shell is waiting for commands.


If no new characters are written to stdout or stderr after the given number of milliseconds, the job assumes that that the login has been carried out and the shell is waiting for commands.


The expected command line prompt. Using this prompt the job tries to find out if commands may be entered or have been carried out. If no prompt can be configured, timeout parameters have to be used.


UserID of user in charge

User name for authentication at the (FTP/SFTP) server.

DataType: SOSOptionUserName


This parameter specifies the command to set an environmental variable on the remote host.

default: 'export'


This parameter specifies the command to read the content of a file on the remote host. The content will then be written to stdout of the remote host. The command reads return values from a temporary file.

default: 'cat'


This parameter specifies the command to delete a file on the remote host. The command deletes a temporary file after proccessing.

default: 'rm'


The os specific command to to kill a remote running pid.


The os specific command to to terminate a remote running pid.


The os specific command to get the PID of the active shell.

ssh_job_get_active_processes_command[optional]The command to check if the given process is still running.---

The command to get the child processes related to the given pid.


The timeout in seconds after which a kill signal will be send.


This parameter activates ssh session management.


This parameter can be used to activate transmission of JobScheduler-parameters as ssh environment variables.


This parameter is used to determine the name of the jobchain for cleanup.


Return Parameters


Content of STDOUT

The output of the process into STDOUT is reported as the value of this parameter.


Content of STDERR

The output of the process into STDERR is reported as the value of this parameter.


Job exit code

The exit code of the process is the value of this parameter. The exit code is zero if the process ended without any error.

DataType: SOSOptionString




Version 1.0 - 2010-07-01


Refactoring of former Version


FilenameType OSCommentSource documentation
com.sos.scheduler-*.jarjava all Source: scheduler (
com.sos.spooler-*.jarjava all  
com.sos.util-*.jarjava allClasses SOSFile, SOSSchedulerLoggerSource: com.sos.util (
trilead-ssh2.jarjava all

SSH2 library by Trilead:, (      
see ( as well.
SSH is a registered trademark of SSH Communications Security Corp in the United States and in certain other jurisdictions.

