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Table of Contentsoutlinh1. trueoutlinh1. true1printablefalse2stylh1. none3indent20pxThe Agent Batch /Update solution comes with a job chain in JobScheduler. It is available starting with release 1.3.10.

The Job AgentBatchInstaller reads a xml configuration file and creates orders for the job chain to setup/update agents. For each agent there is an entry in the configuration file.

The job chain for update/installation of one agent has the four nodes:

  • TransferInstallaionSetup: To transfer the setup jar file to the host
  • TransferInstallationFile: To transfer the generated xml setup file to the host
  • ShutdownScheduler: To shutdown Job Scheduler if running using ssh.
  • PerformInstall: To start the installation using ssh.

You will find the xsd-schema for the configuration in config/scheduler_agent_installations.xsd

The files have the following structure

  • installations
  • global
  • installation
  • installation

In the global entry, you specify the values which are used for all installation items. The installation items can overwrite these values. There is one installation item for each agent. You can make use of substitution in the values of the entries.


Code Block

The global sections have the following entries:

serviceIdThe JobScheduler ID of the agent. This ID must be unique. You get a unique value by adding host and port to the value of the ID.
licenceThe license key for the agent. Use the same key as you have used for your main JobScheduler. If you are using the GPL license, copy your default license key from the main JobScheduler sos.ini file into the sos.ini file for the agent.
servicePortThe port, the agent is listening. For example 4445. You can use the same port for each agent on different hosts.
serviceAllowedHostThe IP address or the host name of the Master JobScheduler.
installPathThe path to install the agent. Recommended value: /opt/
UserPathPanelElementThe path with the configuration files of the agent. Recommended value: /home/<user>/
ftpSpecifies the ftp file transfer protocol.
ftp.userThe user for the ftp login.
ftp.passwordThe password for the ftp login.
ftp.localDirThe location of the setup files.This is scheduler_agent.jar and the generated xml installation files.
ftp.remoteDirThe location on the server where the setup files should be transferred.
ftp.portThe port for the ftp connection. Default value: 21.
sshSpecifies the ssh connection.
ssh.userThe user for the ssh login.
ssh.passwordThe password if using password authentication.
ssh.sudoPasswordThe password for the sudo user. This can be used in the command to enable the sudo login.
ssh.authMethodThe authentication method can be password or publickey.
ssh.authFileThe authorization file with the key if authMethod is publickey.
ssh.portThe port for the ssh connection. Default value: 22.

The command to perform the installation. The recommended command is:

 echo ${sudo_password} | sudo -S java -jar ${ftp_remote_dir}/scheduler_linux32_agent.jar ${ftp_remote_dir}/${installation_file}


Example for xml configuration file:




Installer provides a solution:

  • for installing and updating JobScheduler Universal Agents.
  • which allows the installation or update of any number of Agents on multiple Agent servers. 

Use Cases

The following articles describe the diverse Use Cases a user could face regarding an installation or update of JobScheduler Agents and how to use the Agent Batch Installer solution in each case:

  • Batch Installer - Use Cases - Homogeneous environment: We define a homogeneous environment as one in which a number of JobScheduler Agents will be installed according to the same prerequisites:
    • A JobScheduler Master is up and running.
    • The Agent installations are to be performed on any number of servers that have the same operating system. One Agent is to be installed per server.
    • The Agents will be operated with the same user, listening port and installation path.
  • Batch Installer Use Case: Heterogeneous environments: We define a heterogeneous environment as one in which a number of JobScheduler Agents will be installed according to different prerequisites:
    • A JobScheduler Master is up and running.
    • The Agent installations are to be performed on any number of servers that do not have to have the same operating system. One Agent is to be installed per server.
    • The Agents will be operated with different users, listening ports and installation paths.
  • Batch Installer - Use Case - Multiple Instances: A multiple number of JobScheduler Agents will be installed on every Agent server and every installation will be based on different prerequisites:
    • A JobScheduler Master is up and running.
    • The Agent installations are to be performed on any number of servers that do not have to have the same operating system. More than one Agent is to be installed per server.
    • In every Agent server, the Agents will be operated with different users and different listening ports.
      • The Agents will be operated with different users (within the same Agent server) to make the example more multifaceted, although the same user can operate more than one Agent if the Agents run on different ports.
    • The installation path will be the same for all Agent installations.

  • Batch Installation - Use Cases - Additional InstallationsInstalling JobScheduler Agents in an environment in which a number of the Agents have already been installed and where the new Agents are to be installed on a server which already has at least one Agent. The environment can be summarized as having the following characteristics:
    • A JobScheduler Master is up and running.
    • A number of JobScheduler Agents have already been installed on different Agent servers.
      • At least one additional Agent is to be installed on a server which already has an Agent installed on it.
    • The new Agent(s) will be operated with the same user and installation path as at least one of the Agents already installed on an Agent server.
      The new Agent will be identified by its listening port which will be unique for the server which the Agent is being installed on.

Reference Documentation

For any detailed information about:

  • Jobs, job parameters and job chains used for the Agent Batch Installer
  • Customizing the jobs, job chains and the configuration files needed for the Agent Batch Installer to work

please have a look at the article Batch Installation - Reference Documentation.