Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • AgentBatchInstaller job: adjust the parameter values for the AgentBatchInstaller job in your JobScheduler Master.
    • Adjust the installation_definition_file job parameter with the path that points to the Batch Installer configuration file.

Installation of the Agents

The Agents can be installed after the XML configuration files and JobScheduler jobs have been configured. Start a task for the AgentBatchInstaller job as follows:

  1. Open a JobScheduler Operating Center (JOC) browser window for the JobScheduler master.
  2. Right click on the job to open the context menu.
  3. Select the Start task immediately operation.
  4. This job will create the appropriate JobScheduler orders as explained in the chapter Batch Installer Application.

Example: Installation of four Agents on two Servers

The following example describes how to do the installation of four JobScheduler Universal Agents in two Agent Servers, that is, two JobScheduler Universal Agents installed per Server. 


server. First of all, the YADE configuration files (XML file) for the file transfer will be specified, then it will be converted to the YADE settings file (.ini) and finally the Batch Installer configuration file will be specified.

YADE profiles for the file transfer

We assume that you  have opened the yade_agent_batch_installer_settings.xml YADE configuration file and have assigned the XSD schema. The XML file contains a basic example with recommended values for an Agent installation (of only one Agent).

A separate profile in the YADE configuration file is required for each Agent installation. The default profile name is <host>:<port> where

  • <host> will be substituted with the value from the element <installation><agent_option><scheduler_ip_address>
  • <port> will be substituted with the value from the element <installation><agent_option><scheduler_http_port>

Please take the following steps:

  1. Add a <ProtocolFragments> element and nodes for each host that you want to install the Agent for. The best way to add another <ProtocolFragments> element using the XML Editor is copying the element and pasting it to the parent element - in this case <Fragments>.
  2. Add a <Profile> element and nodes for each host that you want to install the Agent for. The best way to add another <Profile> element using the XML Editor is copying the element and pasting it to the parent element - here <Profiles>.
  3. The default profile_id is <host>:<port>. If you do not use the default then you have to specify the profile name in the Batch Installer configuration file.

An example for the Batch Installer configuration file for the installation of two Agents is attached on this wiki page (download: yade_agent_batch_installer_settings.xml) and might look like this:

Code Block
titleYADE Profiles
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Configurations xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <SFTPFragment name="SFTP_192.11.0.111:4445">

The installer configuration file contains an <installation> element for each JobScheduler Universal Agent instance. Set the name for the YADE settings file in the installer configuration file with the element <globals><transfer><settings>. An example for the installer configuration file can look like this:

Code Block
titleInstaller Configuration File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<installations lastRun="2015-11-23 12:11">
    <installation lastRun="2015-11-23 11:11">
            <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S cp ${install_path}/jobscheduler_agent/bin/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}.sh /etc/init.d/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command><Password><![CDATA[xxxx]]></Password>
      <SFTPFragment name="SFTP_192.11.0.111:4446">
    <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S chkconfig jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command> <Hostname><![CDATA[]]></Hostname>
        <installation lastRun="2015-11-23 11:11"> <Account><![CDATA[sos]]></Account>
        <agent_options>  <AuthenticationMethodPassword>
      <scheduler_log_dir>/var/log/</scheduler_log_dir><SFTPFragment name="SFTP_192.11.0.95:4445">
      <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S cp ${install_path}/jobscheduler_agent/bin/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}.sh /etc/init.d/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command><SFTPFragment name="SFTP_192.11.0.95:4446">
    <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S chkconfig jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>
    <installation lastRun="2015-11-23 11:11">
         <agent_options> </AuthenticationMethodPassword>
    <scheduler_log_dir>/var/log/</scheduler_log_dir><Profile profile_id="">
             <password>xxxx< <LocalSource /password>>
            <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S cp ${install_path}/jobscheduler_agent/bin/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}.sh /etc/init.d/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>
                  <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S chkconfig jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command><FileSpec><![CDATA[.*\.(sh|gz)$]]></FileSpec>
    <installation lastRun="2015-11-23 11:11"> <Directory><![CDATA[C:\tmp\agent_batch]]></Directory>
        <ssh>  <CopyTarget>
              <SFTPFragmentRef  <password>xxxx</password>ref="SFTP_192.11.0.111:4445" />
    <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S cp ${install_path}/jobscheduler_agent/bin/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}.sh /etc/init.d/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command><Profile profile_id="">
    <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S chkconfig jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>
              <LocalSource </installation>



Each installation makes use of a profile in the YADE settings file. The default profile name is <host>:<port> where

  • <host> will be substituted with the value from the element <installation><agent_option><scheduler_ip_address>
  • <port> will be substituted with the value from the element <installation><agent_option><scheduler_http_port>

Please follow these steps:

  1. Specify the name of the YADE settings file with the <globals><settings> element.
  2. Open the YADE settings file or create a new one.
  3. Assign the XSD Schema
  4. Add a <ProtocolFragments> element and nodes for each host that you want to install the JobScheduler Universal Agent for.
  5. Add a <Profile> element and nodes for each host you want install the JobScheduler Universal Agent for.
  6. The default profile_id is <host>:<port>. If you do not use the default then you have to specify the profile name in the installer configuration file.


Code Block
titleYADE Profiles
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Configurations xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <SFTPFragment name="SFTP_192.11.0.111>
              <SFTPFragmentRef ref="SFTP_192.11.0.111:4446" />
    <Profile profile_id="">
         <LocalSource <AuthenticationMethodPassword>/>
           </AuthenticationMethodPassword> <SourceFileOptions>
        </SSHAuthentication>      <Selection>
         <SFTPFragment name="SFTP_192.11.0.111:4446"> <FileSpecSelection>
          <Account><![CDATA[sos]]></Account>      </FileSpecSelection>
          <AuthenticationMethodPassword>    </Selection>
        <SFTPFragment name      <SFTPFragmentRef ref="SFTP_192.11.0.95:4445" />
    <Profile profile_id="">
       <SFTPFragment name="SFTP_192.11.0.95:4446">
<LocalSource />
          <Hostname><![CDATA[]]></Hostname>  <SourceFileOptions>
    <Profile profile_id="">  </FileSpecSelection>
              <LocalSource /><CopyTarget>
  <SFTPFragmentRef            <Selection>ref="SFTP_192.11.0.95:4446" />

YADE Settings File for File Transfer

Note that the file shown above is an XML file and YADE versions less that 1.11 require a .ini file to perform the transfer that is specified in the <globals><install_path><transfer><settings> element in the Batch Installer configuration file.




Code Block
titleINI file
protocol           Selection>
              <SFTPFragmentRef ref="SFTP_192.11.0.111:4445" />
   = </Profile>sftp
host    <Profile profile_id="">
user              <CopySourceFragmentRef>
                  <LocalSource= />
ssh_auth_method             </CopySourceFragmentRef>
        = password
password   <SourceFileOptions>
          = xxxx
protocol     <FileSpecSelection>
     = sftp
host                  <Directory><![CDATA[C:\tmp\agent_batch]]></Directory>
user       </FileSpecSelection>
           = </SourceFileOptions>
ssh_auth_method            </CopySource>
         = <CopyTarget>password
password            <CopyTargetFragmentRef>
               <SFTPFragmentRef ref="SFTP= xxxx
[protocol_fragment_sftp@SFTP_192.11.0.111:4446" />
protocol                 </CopyTargetFragmentRef>
= sftp
host          </CopyTarget>
    <Profile= profile_id="">
user      <Operation>
        = sos
ssh_auth_method   <CopySourceFragmentRef>
              <LocalSource />
   = password
password        </CopySourceFragmentRef>
= xxxx
protocol                <FileSpecSelection>
= sftp
host                  <Directory><![CDATA[C:\tmp\agent_batch]]></Directory>
user                    </Selection>
            = </SourceFileOptions>
ssh_auth_method            </CopySource>
         = <CopyTarget>password
password            <CopyTargetFragmentRef>
               <SFTPFragmentRef ref="SFTP_= xxxx
[" />]
operation            </CopyTargetFragmentRef>
   = copy
source_protocol      </CopyTarget>
   = </Profile>
    <Profile profile_id="">
file_spec      <Operation>
= .*\.(sh|gz)$
source_dir              <LocalSource />
= C:\tmp\agent_batch
target_include            <SourceFileOptions>
= protocol_fragment_sftp@SFTP_192.11.0.111:4445
target_dir                <FileSpecSelection>
= /home/test/tmp/
operation                   <Directory><![CDATA[C:\tmp\agent_batch]]></Directory>
        = copy
source_protocol       </FileSpecSelection>
= local
file_spec                  </SourceFileOptions>
= .*\.(sh|gz)$
source_dir          <CopyTarget>
= C:\tmp\agent_batch
target_include                 <SFTPFragmentRef     ref="SFTP= protocol_fragment_sftp@SFTP_192.11.0.95111:4446" />

target_dir               </CopyTargetFragmentRef>
           = <Directory><![CDATA[/home/testsos/tmp/]]></Directory>

operation              </CopyTarget>
             = copy
source_protocol        </Copy>
             = local
file_spec                    </Operation>



titleINI file


       = .*\.(sh|gz)$
source_dir                          = C:\tmp\agent_batch
target_include                      = protocol_fragment_sftp@SFTP_192.11.0.95:4445
target_dir                          = /home/sos/tmp/
operation                           = copy
source_protocol                     = local
file_spec                           = .*\.(sh|gz)$
source_dir                          = C:\tmp\agent_batch
target_include                      = protocol_fragment_sftp@SFTP_192.11.0.95:4446
target_dir                          = /home/test/tmp/

Batch Installer Configuration File

We assume that you  have opened the Batch Installer configuration file batch_installer_config_file.xml and assigned the scheduler_universal_agent_installations.xsd XSD schema. The XML file contains a basic example with recommended values for an Agent installation.

The Batch Installer configuration file contains an <installation> element for each Agent instance. In addition, the <global> element can be used in a homogeneous environment to specify parameters that will be applied to all Agent installations. If a parameter is specified in the <global> element and in an individual <installation> element then the setting for the individual element will overwrite the global setting.

The following configuration steps should be carried out:

  1. Specify the Global parameters:
    • Specify the path to the YADE settings file (.ini file) in the Batch Installer configuration file with the element <globals><transfer><settings>. 

    • Specify the filename (not the path) for the Agent that has to be installed with the element <installation_file>. This filename contains the version of the Agent which you are installing and it is helpful for recognising this version of the installed versions.

  2. Specify the installation parameters for each Agent installation:
    • Specify the <install_path> to point to a location where the Agent should be installed.
    • Agent options:
      • <scheduler_user>: Agent user
      • <scheduler_log_dir>: Logs folder for the Agent
    • Specify the credentials for the SSH connection:

      • <user>: SSH login user 
      • <password>: Password for the login user
      • <sudo_password>: Password for sudo actions
      • <auth_method>: SSH authentication method
      • <host>: SSH Host
      • <port>: SSH port 
    • Use the <postprocessing> element to specify the post-processing commands that for the Agent server's operating system. The default commands for an Ubuntu distribution will place the Agent start script under /etc/init.d and will setup the autostart for the Universal Agent:
      • echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S cp ${install_path}/jobscheduler_agent/bin/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}.sh /etc/init.d/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}
      • echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S update-rc.d jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port} defaults


titlePost-processing commands
  • The SSH login user has to become root in order to execute these commands. Therefore the SSH login user should be included to sudoers.
  • These two commands will be executed by the PerformInstall job node, which is the last job node in the job chain. If you want to add more commands, please add the call to the job node.
  • Note that the values for the elements defined in the Batch Installer configuration file can be used for the postprocessing commands, for instance:

    • ${install_path}: the value for the element <install_path>

    • ${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}: the value for the element <scheduler_http_port>. If not defined, the default value (4445 in this case) is taken, as in the example below.

An example Batch Installer configuration file for the installation of two Agents is attached on this wiki page (download: batch_installer_config_file.xml) and might look like this:

Code Block
titleInstaller Configuration File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<installations lastRun="2015-11-23 12:11">






    <installation lastRun="2015-11-23 11:11">
























    <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S cp ${install_path}/jobscheduler_agent/bin/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}.sh /etc/init.d/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>






<command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S chkconfig jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>


lastRun="2015-11-23 11:11">
















            <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S 


cp ${install_path}/jobscheduler_agent/bin/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}.sh /etc/init.d/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>
            <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S 


chkconfig jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>
    <installation lastRun="2015-11-23 11:11">


















            <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S cp ${install_path}/jobscheduler_agent/bin/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}.sh /etc/init.d/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>




   <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S chkconfig jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>
    <installation lastRun=


"2015-11-23 11:11">


















            <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S 


cp ${install_path}/jobscheduler_agent/bin/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}.sh /etc/init.d/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>
            <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S 


chkconfig jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>



Using the XML Editor
