Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Multiple instances of the JobScheduler Agent on the same computer can be operated, e.g. for different user accounts that jobs should be executed for.
  • Any number of Agent instances can be started from the same installation, however, different ports have to be used that the Agent is listening to for requests of a JobScheduler Master.
  • Create an instance startscript for each JobScheduler Agent instance.
    • You find a template jobscheduler_agent_instance.(sh|cmd)-example example for an instance script in the ./bin directory of the JobScheduler Agent installation since release 1.10.2.
    • For older releases you can download the templates ...
    • Copy this template to jobscheduler_agent_<port>.(sh|cmd) where <port> is the port that the Agent is listening to.
  • Configure the instance script with a text editor and set ...
    • the environment variable SCHEDULER_HTTP_PORT particularly
    • other environment variables as desired
  • Now you can start and stop etc. the JobScheduler Agent with the instance script where you no longer have to use command line options because the command line options are specified by the environment variables.
  • On Unix you can use the instance script as init script in /etc/init.d.

Create and configure


a JobScheduler Universal Agent instance on Unix

  • We assume that the JobScheduler Agent instance listen for example to port 4445 for example.

Code Block
titlecreate instance script for an Agent with port 4445
> cp ./bin/ ./bin/
  • Edit the ./bin/
  • First you find a LSB Header which describes the run levels etc. when you use the instance script as init script in /etc/init.d.
    • The "Provides" entry in the LSB Header has to be unique. Add the port to the value of the "Provides" entry.


      This setting is required if the instance script is used as a service init script in /ect/init.d!


      # Provides:          JobSchedulerAgent4445
      # Required-Start:    $syslog $remote_fs
      # Required-Stop:     $syslog $remote_fs
      # Default-Start:     3 5
      # Default-Stop:      0 1 2 6
      # Description:       Start JobScheduler Agent
      ### END INIT INFO

  • You find further the environment variables of the JobScheduler Universal Agent.

    • All variables are still undefined in the instance script so that defaults are used which are already described in JobScheduler Universal Agent - Installation & Operation.
    • If you want to set a variable then the line with the variable has to be uncommented.


      This variable has to point to the installation path of the JobScheduler Universal Agent (e.g. /opt/
      If the instance script is only used in the current ./bin directory then this variable can remain undefined.


      This setting is required if the instance script is used as a service init script in /ect/init.d to find the Agent installation!


      Sets the user account that the JobScheduler Agent is operated for. This includes running jobs with the permissions of the specified user.
      Without setting this environment variable the user account that runs the start script is used.


      This setting is required if the instance script is used as a service init script in /ect/init.d to avoid that the Agent runs with the root user!



      The port of the Agent. It has to be the same value like the suffix in the instance script basename. In this example

      Code Block

      Set the directory where the JobScheduler Agent log file is created. The default is SCHEDULER_HOME/logs.
      It is recommended to use the same log directory for all instances. According the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) you can set e.g. SCHEDULER_LOG_DIR=/var/log/for example

      Code Block

      Make sure that the SCHEDULER_USER has read and write permissions in SCHEDULER_LOG_DIR.
      If you use the same SCHEDULER_LOG_DIR for all instances then make sure that the SCHEDULER_USER of all instances has read and write permissions.


      Set the directory where the JobScheduler Agent pid file is created. The default is SCHEDULER_LOG_DIR.


      Make sure that the SCHEDULER_USER has read and write permissions in SCHEDULER_PID_FILE_DIR.
      If you use the same SCHEDULER_PID_FILE_DIR for all instances then make sure that the SCHEDULER_USER of all instances has read and write permissions.


      The default working directory of the JobScheduler Agent is SCHEDULER_HOME. Here you can set a different working (e.g. $HOME).

    • According the shell you can set the environment variables except SCHEDULER_HOMESCHEDULER_HTTP_PORT and SCHEDULER_USER in a ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc file too.
  • If you want to install a JobScheduler Agent service for an automated start-up and shutdown then copy this instance script to /ect/init.d or corresponding locations.

    Code Block
    titlecreate a service init script set automated start-up and shutdown
    > cp ./bin/ /etc/init.d/jobscheduler_agent_4445 
    > # on SuSe or CentOS
    > chkconfig jobscheduler_agent_4445
    > # on Ubuntu or Debian
    > update-rc.d jobscheduler_agent_4445 default

Create and configure a JobScheduler Universal Agent instance on Windows

For Windows exists an installer which you can download at the SOS site. The following describes how you create an instance manually.

  • We assume that the JobScheduler Agent instance listen to port 4445 for example.

Code Block
titlecreate instance script for an Agent with port 4445
> copy .\bin\jobscheduler_agent_instance.cmd-example .\bin\jobscheduler_agent_4445.cmd
  • Edit the .\bin\jobscheduler_agent_4445.cmd.
  • You find the environment variables of the JobScheduler Universal Agent.

    • All variables are still undefined in the instance script so that defaults are used which are already described in JobScheduler Universal Agent - Installation & Operation.
    • If you want to set a variable then the line with the variable has to be uncommented.


      This variable has to point to the installation path of the JobScheduler Universal Agent (e.g. C:\Program Files\\jobscheduler_agent).
      This variable is only required if this instance script is moved outside the folder where the startscript .\bin\jobscheduler_agent.cmd is located.
      There is no reason on Windows to move this script to a different folder so this variable can normally remain undefined.


      The port of the Agent. It has to be the same value like the suffix in the instance script basename. In this example

      Code Block
      set /a SCHEDULER_HTTP_PORT=4445

      Set the directory where the JobScheduler Agent log file is created. The default is SCHEDULER_HOME/logs.
      It is recommended to use the same log directory for all instances.
      If the installation path of the JobScheduler Agent in C:\Program Files then it is recommended caused by the permissions to set this variable to a different folder, e.g.

      Code Block
      set SCHEDULER_LOG_DIR=C:\ProgramData\\jobscheduler\agent\logs

      The JobScheduler Agent is installed as a service. Make sure that the service account has read and write permissions in SCHEDULER_LOG_DIR.
      If you use the same SCHEDULER_LOG_DIR for all instances then make sure that all service accounts have read and write permissions.


      Set the directory where the JobScheduler Agent pid file is created. The default is SCHEDULER_LOG_DIR.


      The JobScheduler Agent is installed as a service. Make sure that the service account has read and write permissions in SCHEDULER_PID_FILE_DIR.
      If you use the same SCHEDULER_PID_FILE_DIR for all instances then make sure that all service accounts have read and write permissions.


      The default working directory of the JobScheduler Agent is SCHEDULER_HOME. Here you can set a different working (e.g. %USERPROFILE%).

    • create the service with the instance script

      Code Block
      > .\bin\jobscheduler_agent_4445.cmd install-service
    • The service runs now with the local system account. Set a different user account of the service if necessary.
      • For this open the .\service\sos_jobscheduler_agent_4445w.exe, go to the  tab "Log On", choose "This account" and type the account in the form DOMAIN\USER and the corresponding password.
    Use the environment variable SCHEDULER_USER to operate the Agent for a user account that is different from the one that starts the Agent.
    • Use the environment variable SCHEDULER_HTTP_PORT or the option -http-port=#### to start the Agent for a port that is different from the default setting.
    • Make sure that the directories SCHEDULER_LOG_DIR and SCHEDULER_PID_FILE_DIR are readable and writable for the different user accounts